Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Just saw this blurb on in regards to the looting in the wake of Hurricane Katrina:

Another woman dismissed the suggestion that she and her husband were stealing from a supermarket as she left with a bag full of items.

"It's about survival right now," she told AP.

"We got to feed our children. I've got eight grandchildren to feed."

The tone is interesting, isn't it? The woman was dismissive.

Would the journalist say the store owner dismissed the idea that lives should come before money? Well, no, because CNN would never pose that question to a shop owner.

And that's interesting to think about.
TFPKAMP (The Ferret Previously Known As Mr. Pink) is now a simpler, more punchy "Ping." I think this name will stick.

And now I leave you with some quotes.

You shoulda dropped trau and been like "yeah, suck it."

     - Anon

Yeah. Gunk happens.

     - Val

Monday, August 29, 2005

Mr. Pink has been given a trial free run of my room. Right now Mr. Pink is making himself VERY well acquainted with every square millimeter of this room not otherwise occupied by matter.

Now he's molesting my bike tools. Oh fuck, if he hides that I'll be screwed. w00t. Tools liberated from the clutches of Mr. Pink. The fish might not be so lucky. I'll be right back...

Sunday, August 28, 2005

"The president is not going to meet with us, probably," Sheehan said. "We the people need to influence our congressional representatives, and I hear he's pretty close by," she added, referring to DeLay.

A spokeswoman for DeLay said his schedule was already set and did not plan to change it to meet with Sheehan.

"Mr. DeLay disagrees with those who believe we should give the terrorists the timeline they want and simply cut and run from the war in Iraq," said DeLay spokeswoman Shannon Flaherty.

Yes, and DeLay also disagreed with those who believed the case for war was weak, those who believed the WMD claim was a sham and that we shouldn't have involved ourself in Iraq to begin with.

And he's dogged by ethics charges with new details emerging weekly.

With leadership like this, who needs the Bible belt?
[editor: this was accidentally saved as a draft instead of being posted last night.]

Serve as impartial observer for a few hours, go home, sleep for 4.5h, wake, cycle a few miles to work, work, cycle home, cycle to client's house, install drive. Leave client, head home, burn CD for next client, cycle to client's house, reinstall OS. Client overpays me by 2x. I'm not sure if it's a tip or not, no answer at their phone. I'll call tomorrow. Cycle to store, chat. Cycle to band's first gig. Cycle back to store, coordinate. Cycle back to gig. Get semi plastered, eat some catered food, practice drums, cycle to friend's house. Play go, smoke a tiny bit, swap stories until 3AM. Cycle home, 30mph down the hills, little moon, many stars. Trees part, black skies open, stars everywhere. It's a bit like flying, moving fast with no anchor to the ground and no sense of propulsion. Just stars and wind.

Get home, walk dog, check email. Lament my alarm setting. And here I am, now.

Geez I wish I had time to rip these CDs. Nikka Costa. Fathead. Dag.

Geez I wish I had more time to spend with this ferret. I've tentatively named him "Mr. Pink." Which is better than "Mr. Brown." You all know why.

This cage is way too small for him. I might section off an area of the room and leave him on a tether long enough to reach only within that span. Only put him in the cage at night.

He's a loopy little bastard. When he gets agitated he bares his little fangs and prances around like his nuts are filled with habanero juice. How did this goofy a creature make it through the Darwinian sieve? I've watched a lot of Animal Kingdom growing up and I have never seen any animal kill any other animal by tripping over it. Which seems to be Mr. Pink's specialty.

I miss the people I haven't seen in a while. Tricia. Leah. Keri. Jen.

Playing with the ferret, going to bed. G'night all.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Oh. I have a ferret. I did not know when I woke up this morning that I would be the owner of a ferret. So this is a big surprise.

Long story short, a woman purchased one after being told some "sometimes true but not this time" and some "wtf are you talking about" info by the seller. The woman I purchased the ferret from seemed just a little bit unhinged herself, actually.

I found out by way of a note tacked to the Shaw's Supermarket community bulletin board.

So the little stinker is completely napped out. Way more chill than any ferret I've ever seen. Well, a lot less frenetic. He still manages to shove his nose into everything he can find, just not like his ass is on fire.

And I'm assuming it's a "he." Hold on.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a male. My best guess is around a year old judging by the teeth.

I'm considering some names. "Castro" is on the top of the list. Succinct, flows off the tongue. Only it doesn't stand for anything personal, and a good name should, so...
"Bush administration officials Tuesday dismissed Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson's call for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as the remarks of a private citizen, but Venezuela accused Robertson of promoting terrorism."

I can't even tell you how giddy this type of shit makes me.

It makes me happy because it reveals precisely how meaningless the term "terrorist" is.

"Terrorist" is just another way of saying "not us, and not taking our shit."

This is what Robertson said, in part:

"We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability," Robertson said. "We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with."

Do I have any Red State readers? I sure as shit hope so. Listen up, knuckleknuts.

Gentle reader, imagine if you will, what might happen if an Arab network aired video of the most well-known Islamic imam in the Arab world suggesting that Bush should just be assassinated, it's better than a war and it should just be done and gotten over with?

And you know Robertson is going to chalk this up to some anti-Christian undercurrent.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Advertisers are courting public school boards (maybe it's the other way around with these trillion dollar military budgets) to name schools after sponsors. We're talking "Nike High."

Settle down, luddite rabble. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking this is bad. Ellen Savitz, chief development officer for the Philadelphia School District, disagrees:

"Universities do it all the time with everything," Savitz said. "They name the lamp and the shade and the light bulb. So kids are pretty used to that."

Waaaaaaaaaaaait a fucking minute.

She's suggesting kids are used to having something happen that they haven't yet experienced?

Marijuana, assassin of youth. Ha. Were it so...

Not to mention; when the fuck is the last time you ever saw an ad, AT ANY LOCATION, on a lightbulb?

Out of the multitude of places that we find advertising today, this sycophantic industry whore manages -- in attempting to illustrate the ubiquitious nature of advertising in colleges -- to name a thing where you are pretty much guaranteed to find nothing other than the company that manufactured that object.

That's fucking genius.

Savitz, I have to ask, so forgive me for being a bit garish here... What did it take? How much did you cost? I have a morbid curiosity about where you place the line. Don't even tell me they got you for a couple of trips to Europe and a photo op with Dubya.

Jesus, Ellen, you should have held out for at least a pair of tickets to the next $10k/seat GOP breakfast.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Teaching English overseas doesn't pay badly but not enough for me to live on and pay child support at the same time. I could get a better job (which I'm still trying to accomplish with varying degrees of enthusiasm) but I'd still have to leave it to teach, so that's not an option.

It occurs to me that I have the next seven years to what? Sounds like plenty of time to earn a degree. I never gave very serious consideration to college because my plans -- regardless of how pathetic I am at following through with them -- did not see me sitting on my ass for a few years.

Well, times have changed. Some possibilities have opened up.

I'm thinking sociology. Why do people do things? Seems like an interesting question.

I'm also facinated behind the organizational behavior or insects, so maybe there's some nexus with sociology there.

Maybe working on AI, though that's probably far more post-grad, long-term. Really, I just want to entertain my ass while I'm waiting. College will be my 7-year walkman.

I never liked the idea of college-for-extra-earning-potential. This is predicated on the tacit assumption that having more money makes your life better. Fuck that.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

You've probably heard of the Intelligent Design debate.

Now they've got gravity in their sights. That's right -- Intelligent Gravitation. Because any freshman highschool student can tell you that quantum mechanics cannot be reconciled with gravity as we currently understand it. God of the Gaps, they call it.

Sure, it's satire. But the argument for Intelligent Gravity is just as retarded as the argument for Intelligent Design and for precisely the same reasons.

It's funny because it's true.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

    - Voltaire, 1730.


    - Anonymous Crawford, TX resident, 2005

Sunday, August 14, 2005

"When this government is faced with any critical message, its instinctive reaction is to bully and intimidate the messenger."

Is this:

(a) Ultra-liberal social commentator Noam Chomsky on the Valerie Plame leak or;

(b) the Washington Post on the Soviet blackout of ABC over the Shamil Basayev interview.

Hmmm. It's so hard to tell!

If you guessed (a), you're a winner.

Anyone remember when we got really pissed at al Jazeera during the war because they would broadcast statements made by anti-US forces?

Friday, August 12, 2005

Drug policy out to be a bit more sane. I have a suggestion for all future drug policy. Place this on the ballot next election:

Q. Do you think that people who have smoked crack are better off for having done so?

   ( ) yes ( ) no

Q. Do you think that people who have injected heroin are better off for having done so?

   ( ) yes ( ) no

Q. Do you think that people who have smoked weed are better off for having done so?

   ( ) yes ( ) no

Q. Do you think that people who have snorted coke are better off for having done so?

   ( ) yes ( ) no

Q. Do you think that people who have smoked cigarettes are better off for having done so?

   ( ) yes ( ) no

Then you don't outlaw ANYTHING. You just tax it. The bigger an asshole it's expected to make you, the bigger the tax. Ok, now everyone can smoke weed because it's dirt cheap but it's still considered a beat drug, a ghetto drug because anyone can afford it. The middle class spends all their time trying to be the upper class who can afford the asshole chemicals. They can have all they want.

Good. It's not the fall that kills you, it's the stop.

Watched the meteor shower while damned near incapactitated, chatting with a friend at his new place. How to make a surfboard, the relative power of some 1200cc motorcycle sitting in his living room, Cranston customers was basically themeatic musical chairs for three, four hours.

Got back on the bike, headed home. Fuck, front tyre feels like a jelly donut. Bike is steering like a fat kid walks. I'm riding on a road that has no cars on it. Not one. Three AM and I'm slurring down this abandoned, fully moon-lit road, silent as death, no lights, twenty-five miles per hour.

The following is precisely what went through my head roughly 45 minutes ago while on the way home in the dark:

Why is that shadow so much darker than the others? ...that can't be what it is... Oh man -- it's another dead fishercat. This one is awful small though. Gr, no light. I want to check it out, make sure it isn't slowly dying in traffic. How the hell am I going to do that without risking it panicking, clawing me. Dude, you're blazed, you do NOT want to have to call an ambulance. Go home.

Lessee if I can make out a stick, something at least a little bit long so I can prod it and see if there is a response. ... It's limp, not at all rigid, and it's not a fisher cat. It's a neighborhood housecat. No collar.

Maybe brush it with some of the leaves on the stick, try to provoke a reaction.


I nip behind it's head with thumb and forefinger, carrying it with the other hand and remove it from the road. I place it on the edge of a garden and feel its side. It's warm and there is no heartbeat at all, not even so much as a twitch, and it isn't a fishercat. It's a neighborhood housecat. No collar.

The temperature outside is too low to account for the heat.

At this point I wondered if it died just before I arrived or if it was dying right then. And, as dumb as it sounds, who expected the cat to come around tomorrow.

Why does this shit always happen to me... ... DO NOT even THINK of calling 911 when you're here in your current (*cough) configuration.

I take out my phone, unlock the keypad.

There's a cat that's been run over to within an inch of it's life, you're calling 911. Just hit 911, don't think about it, hit 911 and send. Once you do you know you can't hang up, so...

[ SEND ]

I told them what I found. The dispatcher listened. Politely noted that the cat was probably dead. Which was a seaside, costal resort town way of saying "either it's going to die or it isn't, and which ever of those happens is going to be without the town's intervention." When you shorten the bitstream, you lose resolution. Though the inverse isn't true, is it?

Something I should keep in mind.

The friend I visited is on the oh-crap-this-is-the-end (possibly) portion of his relationship with a girl *I* am also friends with. In fact I met them both by going to their shop so they're both pretty equal in respect to my friendship with either. He's accused of cheating on her. WITH one of his employees BY another employee. Huh.

All he has EVER talked about is pin-thin girls. Rail thin. So thin you can see their ribs thin. And the girl he's being accused of getting with is ...not thin. Not huge, not even large, but not even in the same ballpark as "thin." That's one point.

The second is he and I have discussed subjects which are not usually broached this openly after only knowing someone for a month or two.
This guy will admit to a severe character flaw just as readily as he'd scratch his ass but he was adamant that he never had any more-than-friend contact with the girl.

But who knows. Maybe he's a pathologial liar. I'm lousy at judging character so I don't even try. A friend recently recruited me to lie to his girlfriend on his behalf without being told the little detail about it being bullshit. So I'm reluctant to vouch for anything I cannot verify firsthand.

And if that person is reading this, no, this isn't a dig at you. I'm just in a very similar position again so it bears repeating on a contextual level.

So in the morning the cat will be found. It'll be found lying down on a wooden berm bordering the kind of garden you get when you pay someone else to make you one. I figured it was better than the results if I'd left it in the road. Who knows, maybe the owner will be the one to find it, or be notifed by a neighbor who knows who it belongs to.

Tank and Ruby are about the two greatest cats ever. Can't even imagine them getting hit by a car.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I remember being with my mother around the age of three. We were in a sort of ...Jesus, how to explain? It was almost like a large indoor flea market area but I seem to recall something carnival-like about the place. Popcorn machines, things being set up.

There was an old guy on a bench. I remember this moment only because he was the oldest person I'd ever seen. Maybe ninety, ninety five. And I think he spoke to me, not even sure. My three year-old brain was fixed on how he looked unlike anything else.

So this is 1975. If this guy is 95, that means he was born around 1880.

The year Custer died.

The year the Second Reich began.

The year the phonograph is invented.

The year Louis Pasteur comes up with the idea that germs causes illnesses.

When this guy in front of me was a young man, just out of his teens, Van Gogh dies and the Eiffel Tower is built.

And I'm three. No context, no way of appreciating the scope of his experiences much less actually learning about them.

For example, he would have been around twelve years old when the Carnegie Steel Works labor strike was broken by the state militia. The workers refused to work after Carnegie demanded a wage cut of 18-26%. The demand was rejected, the plant was shut down, the military stepped in to crush the workforce.

Now I wonder about the old guy, and whether he would have chalked up the idea that the government could be so boldly in the service of private industry as the ramblings of a conspiracy nutbag like almost everyone would today?

Been thinking about my father a little bit lately. Always though he was an asshole but it was tempered by the perception that he was a bit of a bohemian too. Hothead, sure. Jealous, definitely. But it seemed people followed his lead instead of the other way around.

And I think that's why I like Marley's Redemption Song so much. I'll forever associate my father with the Beach Boys, the Eagles, Boston and CSN because that's what he listened to. Redemption is just how *I* think his head worked.

Once, when I was about fourteen, I was living with my father in a tenament-style apartment. There was a neighbor, female. Maybe 27? 28? She was pretty short and had hardcore Smokey and the Bandit hair going on, sexy like the girls in a Van Halen concert line in a Van Halen video way.

Try and remember I'm talking 1984 here, not 1994.

Well one day she decides she's going to walk to this bookstore. Wants to know if I want to come along. I'm sure I looked like a goddamn puppy with a full bladder being shown the leash. Later on I would learn the trek is about four miles. It took forever and by the time we got there it was dark but it was summer.

Walked into the coolest bookstore I'd ever seen. Magazines covers I'd never seen before. Hell, it wasn't even really well lit.

That was the first time I'd ever set foot on Thayer St. And I'll probably remember that night until I drop dead.

Would you believe that my favorite Gardenburgers are the veggie and black bean burgers. Ah, hell, they're all awesome except for the portabella and rice. Yick. I actually returned them for a different variety.

Hm. I wonder if the Sox won...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

  • Still floating around 201lbs. That's ok. That's actually more than ok. My diet is still fully in control. It's like my desire to eat doritoes and ring dings has ...ok, maybe not disappeared but they're securely strapped into the backseat of the car. Even when I'm stoned. God bless Gardenburger.

  • Had my first "real" client today. Two-hour install. $60.

  • Cleaned the room. Ok, not spotless, but it was getting really disgusting and the second my back was squared away, blammo.

  • Sold something like four phones today.

  • Had a work review yesterday, it was "holy crap you kick ass" across the board.

  • I've won four of the last five games of go I've played (full 19x19). This makes me all sorts of giddy. I'm 21k again.

  • Back is fixed. Did I mention my back was fixed?

  • &@!$ing flat tire.
  • Sunday, August 07, 2005

    you'll never know
    what you'll find
    when you open up your letter box tomorrow
    'cause a little bird never tells me anything
    I want to know,
    she's my best friend,
    she's a sparrow
    and I'll never never know
    what you never never never want to know
    when you know what you are, O.

    if I had a pair of eyes on the back of my head
    for each time
    you forgot to take out all the things
    you forgot to talk about when you took a bite
    out of my spine,
    I would have a lot of eyes on the other side,
    wouldn't I?
    wouldn't that just be fine?

    too late or soon to make noise about love
    and there's no time for sorrow
    run around in the rain with a hole in the brain
    till tomorrow.

         - They Might Be Giants ("Letterbox")

    Friday, August 05, 2005

    I've gotten one, ONE friggin playlist. Man, I suck. ONE!

    So, all you Republicans. How you feel about the war these days? Is it going as well as you thought it would? Do you still think it's a good idea? Do you think it's possible to accomplish our goals?

    No? Ready to blame the media for the failure? Try and remember they were mute for two whole years and even today they merely report fatalities, never really asking questions about what the deaths mean for the families left behind.

    Want to know how you got blindsided by this war, how it comes to pass that one of every three pro-war people are now anti-war? I'll tell you why.

    You trusted a person who told you that (a) times have changed, (b) there is extraordinary danger and (c) they alone can protect you.

    Bush isn't Hitler. Hitler was waaaaay more competent.

    Thursday, August 04, 2005

    Started smoking. Went through five packs. Quit smoking.

    Threw my back out. I hate my lower back. Hate.

    But that's about it for the bad news.

    Completed the flyer for my new business. Fixed a few flaws in it. I think it looks pretty damned good.

    Down to 202lbs. w00t. Haven't been that light since roughly 16 years old.

    Went to Salem yesterday. They actually have an old skool arcade. We're talking 5c animation-by-flipbook machines, dancing monkeys, Zoltan. The whole nine. So there I am in the midst of fried seafood and chinese and I can't have any of it. Can't even express how maddening that is for me.

    Wound up getting a small veggie lo mein. Ate about a third of it, fed the rest of it to the homicidal seagulls.

    Then I went to Boston, watched an NYC breakdance crew, chatted with them a bit, found a group of sidewalk denziens watching the Boston Red Sox game on a high-def TV in the front window of some business in Harvard Sq. I think that's how I pissed off my back, sitting on the ground.

    And I hit Pearl art supplies at Central. Just picked up a few fine line pens and a pad. Cheap. All-in-all had a lot of fun.

    Walked into North Station, some woman with a sign I couldn't immediately see was saying something like "Animal abuse -- consider being against it." I find that kind of statement offensive right off the bat so I walk by but Fara works at a cat-only vets office so she's uber-sympathetic. Fara asks the woman what organization she represents, the woman doesn't answer but instead asks if Fara can donate $10. "Not ten," she says, so the woman asks "can you do five?" Fara is about to hand her five but then re-asks the name of the organization and the woman simply ignores her and requests money again.

    So walking away was a no-brainer. She seemed pretty mentally unhinged.

    Panhandlers are interesting but in a completely commonsense way. Namely, if you treat them with some respect, they'll treat you with some respect. I watched this guy holding a cup with some change in it and people wouldn't even so much as look at him much less answer. He asked me for money and I just told him, completely honestly, that I only had enough to get home. He had a big smile, said "that's cool, god bless man." But I had cigarettes on me so I shared those. We talked about marijuana laws.

    Been downloading Miami Ink via bittorrent. Pretty cool show. I think Ami is a bit of an asshole. Chris Garver is basically who I want to be when I grow up.

    That's it. Back is fucking killing me, so bed soon even though I don't have to be up for eleven hours.

    Wednesday, August 03, 2005

    OK, everyone, I've got a favor to ask. Please perform these actions on your computer. I promise nothing bad will happen so long as you type it exactly as I show it.

    First, determine the directory where you keep your mp3's. For example, if they're on your D: drive, you might have them in "D:\mp3s\". Once you know the full path of your mp3 directory:

    Click "Start"
    Click "Run"
    Type in "cmd"
    Click "OK"

    dir /od "[MP3 DIRECTORY]" > list.txt

    In our example, the command might look like this:
    dir /od "d:\mp3s\" > list.txt

    Then hit your [enter] key. That's it.

    All you've done is create a file containing the names of all your mp3's, sorted by date with the oldest at the top and the newest at the bottom. You can then view the file in notepad. Oh, BTW, the file (list.txt) will be in your root directory. If you're on XP that likely means you'll find it in your Documents and Settings directory.

    Then send me a copy of that file. Please. =)

    The reason I ask is because Ella said something tonight about how she sometimes goes through her files in this way to see the path her musical tastes have taken. I've done this too but in a more accidental way, never on purpose, because I often sort by date in order to find really new stuff I've recently downloaded and maybe don't remember the name of. So I see that list often, but it just occurrs to me each time I do that Beck's Debra was my first download on this machine.

    I love that song. It's so crude. And so late 70's.

    I still have nightmares that the mustache will make a fashion comeback. *shudder

    So anyway, I'd be really interested in seeing the lists of people who read my blog. If you're one of us who feels that the 80's was the best decade in the history of mankind, the music is still worth listening to, but you don't feel comfortable airing your post-punk pre-grunge "holy shit you can see his balls in those tights" moments at a concert in public, just say so. I won't post it with your name. Or, you can omit your name from the file by editing it.

    I'm going to stick my neck out here and post mine, 100% un-edited. Ella can vouch for it's authenticity. I remain unapologetic for the so-called "low points." =)

     Volume in drive D is media
    Volume Serial Number is 34CE-DE1B

    Directory of d:\mp3s\mp3s

    08/11/2003 03:26 PM 4,774,233 beck - debra (live).mp3
    08/12/2003 08:55 PM 4,658,155 david bowie - as the world falls down.mp3
    08/12/2003 08:55 PM 8,121,098 beck - debra.mp3
    08/12/2003 08:55 PM 2,265,486 mindless self indulgence - pussy all night.mp3
    08/12/2003 10:01 PM 2,950,374 stephen lynch - lullabye.mp3
    08/24/2003 04:44 PM 3,160,189 pan'jabi - as kang.mp3
    08/24/2003 04:44 PM 3,757,157 pan'jabi - knight rider.mp3
    08/24/2003 04:44 PM 4,857,521 pan'jabi - mundian to bach ke.mp3
    08/24/2003 04:44 PM 6,518,908 zion i - fingerpaint.mp3
    08/28/2003 08:43 PM 3,691,415 missy & nas & eve & qtip - hotboys (rmx).mp3
    08/28/2003 08:56 PM 5,066,292 air - playground love.mp3
    08/28/2003 08:56 PM 3,328,000 brand new - mixed tape.mp3
    08/28/2003 08:56 PM 3,700,608 pretenders - brass in pocket.mp3
    08/28/2003 08:58 PM 3,506,260 howard jones - life in one day.mp3
    08/28/2003 08:58 PM 6,354,651 incubus - make yourself - 04 - the warmth.mp3
    08/28/2003 08:58 PM 3,279,330 incubus - make yourself - 11 - i miss you.mp3
    08/30/2003 01:46 AM 3,578,984 kill hannah - i wanna be a kennedy.mp3
    08/30/2003 08:59 PM 48,714,605 george carlin - jammin' in ny.mp3
    09/02/2003 11:22 PM 3,897,344 orb - little fluffy clouds.mp3
    09/04/2003 11:50 PM 702,084 stephen lynch - billy corgan loses his keys.mp3
    09/06/2003 01:18 AM 4,417,536 parliament funkadelic - one nation under a groove.mp3
    09/06/2003 01:30 AM 3,808,862 boys ii men - motown philly.mp3
    09/06/2003 01:41 AM 4,606,636 bananrama - cruel summer.mp3
    09/06/2003 02:10 AM 5,378,414 blondie - rapture.mp3
    09/06/2003 02:42 AM 4,715,833 living color - cult of personality.mp3
    09/06/2003 02:42 AM 4,647,159 van halen - dreams.mp3
    09/06/2003 02:43 AM 3,798,413 pet shop boys - west end girls.mp3
    09/06/2003 02:44 AM 8,696,464 pet shop boys - west end girls (12 inch disco rmx).mp3
    09/06/2003 02:50 AM 5,061,067 dave matthews - crash.mp3
    09/06/2003 03:15 AM 4,026,368 howard jones - no one ever is to blame.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 3,763,304 cars - drive.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 3,753,273 corey hart - sunglasses at night.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 3,400,411 cutting crew - i just died in your arms tonight.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 5,104,117 dave matthew - crash (unplugged).mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 4,532,222 dave matthews - crash (dmx rmx).mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 4,106,449 dream acadamey - life in a northern town.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 4,257,332 duran duran - the reflex.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 3,041,071 eddie money - shakin'.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 2,914,304 go go's - vacation.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 2,908,160 harold faltemeyer - axel f.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 5,255,830 herbie hancock - rockit.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 3,277,672 madness - our house.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 5,278,342 mike and the mechanics - in the living years.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 3,812,592 new edition - mr telephone man.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 3,893,248 new edition - cool it now.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 4,280,320 parliament funkadelic - atomic dog.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 8,318,976 peter gabriel - in your eyes (live).mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 4,500,167 ralph tresvant - sensitivity.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 4,304,562 ratt - way cool jr.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 3,825,580 rockwell - somebody's watching me.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 5,332,323 snap - the power.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 3,846,060 the tubes - she's a beauty.mp3
    09/07/2003 08:09 PM 4,978,729 van halen - love walks in.mp3
    09/13/2003 09:10 AM 5,979,614 elton john - tiny dancer.mp3
    09/14/2003 07:34 AM 5,420,513 dido - thank you.mp3
    09/14/2003 07:34 AM 5,615,616 vast - pretty when you cry.mp3
    09/16/2003 06:36 AM 5,387,493 ani difranco & aimee mann - when doves cry.mp3
    09/16/2003 06:42 AM 3,848,514 ani difranco - fuel.mp3
    09/16/2003 06:43 AM 4,676,545 ani difranco - both hands 2.mp3
    09/16/2003 06:47 AM 5,577,665 ani difranco - wtc poem.mp3
    09/16/2003 08:47 AM 9,122,489 ani difranco & phish - stash (live).mp3
    09/16/2003 08:47 AM 3,623,288 ani difranco - out of range (acoustic).mp3
    09/16/2003 08:47 AM 8,809,742 ani difranco - self evident.mp3
    09/16/2003 08:47 AM 4,446,208 ani difranco - untouchable face.mp3
    09/16/2003 08:47 AM 5,104,529 ani difranco - worthy (live).mp3
    09/25/2003 04:27 AM 4,128,600 ani difranco - cradle and all.mp3
    09/25/2003 04:27 AM 4,865,881 portished - biscuit.mp3
    09/25/2003 04:27 AM 4,182,099 digable planets - cool like dat.mp3
    09/25/2003 04:28 AM 6,100,782 kruder & dorfmeister - definition.mp3
    09/25/2003 08:54 AM 4,016,128 portishead - nobody loves me (massive attack rmx).mp3
    09/25/2003 10:14 AM 4,186,697 radiohead - ok computer - 06 - karma police.mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 5,481,534 mos def & massive attack - i against i.mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 3,975,627 david bowie & massive attack - nature boy.mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 4,315,136 bjork vs. tricky - yoga (massive attack rmx).mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 6,465,819 garbage - milk (massive attack rmx).mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 7,527,284 massive attack - protection.mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 4,549,895 radiohead - ok computer - 01 - airbag.mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 4,286,171 radiohead - ok computer - 03 - subterranean homesick alien.mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 4,237,258 radiohead - ok computer - 04 - exit music (for a film).mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 4,788,012 radiohead - ok computer - 05 - let down.mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 1,877,459 radiohead - ok computer - 07 - fitter happier.mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 3,690,980 radiohead - ok computer - 08 - electionerring.mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 3,656,178 radiohead - ok computer - 10 - no surprises.mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 4,563,271 radiohead - ok computer - 09 - climbing up the walls.mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 5,191,760 radiohead - ok computer - 12 - tourist, the.mp3
    09/25/2003 11:20 AM 4,153,132 radiohead - ok computer - 11 - lucky.mp3
    09/25/2003 04:39 PM 4,913,464 bjork - hyperballad (slow jungle mix).mp3
    09/26/2003 02:18 PM 5,570,351 jewel - intuition.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:17 PM 8,423,967 aphex twin - four tet (rmx).mp3
    09/27/2003 03:18 PM 4,001,123 prefuse 73 - 7th message.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:18 PM 2,070,152 prefuse 73 - back in time.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:18 PM 3,701,447 prefuse 73 - blacklist.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:18 PM 3,854,002 prefuse 73 - in.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:18 PM 2,493,544 prefuse 73 - international.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:18 PM 2,226,758 prefuse 73 - last night.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:18 PM 2,001,189 prefuse 73 - plastic.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:18 PM 5,043,931 prefuse 73 - radio attack.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:18 PM 4,940,278 prefuse 73 - the color of tempo.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:18 PM 5,629,074 prefuse 73 - why i love you.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:25 PM 7,958,779 prefuse 73 - detchibe.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:25 PM 4,769,253 prefuse 73 - female demands.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:25 PM 7,822,524 prefuse 73 - one word extinguisher.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:25 PM 6,338,769 prefuse 73 - perverted undertone.mp3
    09/27/2003 03:25 PM 10,106,253 prefuse 73 - storm returns.mp3
    09/29/2003 09:50 AM 3,296,862 alicia keys - girlfriend (acapella).mp3
    09/29/2003 09:50 AM 5,093,305 de la soul - oooh.mp3
    09/29/2003 09:03 PM 5,513,926 moby - play - 05 - south side.mp3
    09/29/2003 09:48 PM 2,277,042 moby - play - 12 - slow down.mp3
    09/29/2003 10:26 PM 3,100,840 moby - play - 16 - guitar flute and string.mp3
    09/29/2003 10:36 PM 5,226,161 moby - play - 09 - machete.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:19 PM 3,829,342 moby - play - 02 - find my baby.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:26 PM 3,288,084 moby - play - 14 - everloving.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 3,352,032 moby - play - 01 - honey.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 9,683,466 moby - play - 03 - porcelain.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 6,360,921 moby - play - 04 - why does my heart feel so bad.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 5,971,590 moby - play - 06 - rushing.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 5,194,814 moby - play - 07 - bodyrock.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 6,094,471 moby - play - 08 - natural blues.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 1,240,378 moby - play - 10 - 7.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 4,500,982 moby - play - 11 - run on.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 6,208,573 moby - play - 13 - if things were perfect.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 6,915,133 moby - play - 15 - inside.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 6,206,066 moby - play - 17 - the sky is broken.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 4,348,361 moby - play - 18 - my weakness.mp3
    09/29/2003 11:28 PM 64,965,068 paul oakenfold - havana pt 1.mp3
    10/02/2003 04:06 PM 17,829,540 arlo guthrie - alice's restaurant.mp3
    10/02/2003 04:06 PM 5,472,757 tricky - maxinquaye - 03 - black steel.mp3
    10/02/2003 04:06 PM 5,494,490 weakerthans - plea from a cat named virtue.mp3
    10/03/2003 06:52 PM 4,657,319 bjork & tricky - black coffee.mp3
    10/03/2003 06:52 PM 4,478,851 tricky - vulnerable - 13 - search search survive.mp3
    10/06/2003 09:41 PM 5,862,186 ani difranco - 32 flavors.mp3
    10/09/2003 07:54 PM 17,804,016 bruce springstein - american skin (41 shots).mp3
    10/09/2003 08:44 PM 8,806,034 bonobo - scuba (tobin rmx).mp3
    10/09/2003 08:44 PM 6,201,103 bonobo - scuba.mp3
    10/13/2003 08:58 PM 7,323,898 boston - boston - 02 - peace of mind.mp3
    10/13/2003 08:59 PM 5,473,072 boston - boston - 07 - something about you.mp3
    10/13/2003 08:59 PM 6,807,302 boston - boston - 08 - let me take you home tonight.mp3
    10/13/2003 09:00 PM 11,224,084 boston - boston - 03 - foreplay - long time.mp3
    10/13/2003 09:00 PM 6,751,504 boston - boston - 01 - more than a feeling.mp3
    10/13/2003 09:00 PM 7,224,424 boston - boston - 04 - rock and roll band.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 4,093,682 kill bill soundtrack - 01 - nancy sinatra - bang bang (baby shot me down).mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 4,344,370 kill bill soundtrack - 02 - carlie feathers - that certain female.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 5,156,977 kill bill soundtrack - 03 - luis bacalov - the grand duel (parte prima).mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 2,352,049 kill bill soundtrack - 04 - bernard herrmann - twisted nerve.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 1,626,055 kill bill soundtrack - 05 - jucy liu and julie dreyfus - queen of the drime council.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 3,284,295 kill bill soundtrack - 06 - the rza - ode to oren ishii.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 4,246,656 kill bill soundtrack - 07 - issac hayes - run faye run.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 3,568,311 kill bill soundtrack - 08 - al hirt - green hornet.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 3,829,107 kill bill soundtrack - 09 - tomoyasu hotei - battle without honor or humanity.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 15,081,321 kill bill soundtrack - 10 - santa esmerelda - don't let me be misunderstood.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 3,115,645 kill bill soundtrack - 11 - the's - woo hoo.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 2,600,319 kill bill soundtrack - 12 - the rza and charles bernstein - crane and white lightning.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 5,817,743 kill bill soundtrack - 13 - meiko kaji - the flower of carnage.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 6,252,781 kill bill soundtrack - 14 - zamfir - the lonely shepherd.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 1,434,130 kill bill soundtrack - 15 - misc - you're my wicked life.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 5,718,790 kill bill soundtrack - 16 - quincy jones - ironside exerpt.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 1,751,444 kill bill soundtrack - 17 - neu - super 16 exerpt.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 757,120 kill bill soundtrack - 18 - the rza - yakuza oren 1.mp3
    10/14/2003 11:38 PM 723,240 kill bill soundtrack - 19 - the rza - banister fight.mp3
    10/21/2003 12:19 AM 6,998,680 bt - movement in still life - 01 - madskillz.mp3
    10/21/2003 12:19 AM 13,316,001 bt - movement in still life - 03 - dreaming.mp3
    10/21/2003 12:19 AM 4,817,696 bt - movement in still life - 04 - shame.mp3
    10/21/2003 12:19 AM 9,417,268 bt - movement in still life - 05 - movement in still life.mp3
    10/21/2003 12:19 AM 12,391,141 bt - movement in still life - 08 - running down the way up.mp3
    10/21/2003 12:19 AM 8,150,872 bt - movement in still life - 06 - satellite.mp3
    10/21/2003 12:19 AM 7,429,994 bt - movement in still life - 10 - smartbomb.mp3
    10/21/2003 01:41 AM 8,331,628 bt - movement in still life - 02 - never gonna come back down.mp3
    10/21/2003 01:41 AM 7,448,659 bt - movement in still life - 07 - godspeed.mp3
    10/21/2003 05:16 AM 9,056,342 bt - movement in still life - 11 - love on haight street.mp3
    10/21/2003 01:19 PM 8,331,628 bt - never gonna come back down (extended).mp3
    10/22/2003 11:03 PM 11,091,813 bt - movement in still life - 09 - mercury and solace.mp3
    10/22/2003 11:03 PM 6,131,670 swayzak - himawari - 01 - illegal.mp3
    10/22/2003 11:03 PM 6,315,088 swayzak - himawari - 02 - kensai rising.mp3
    10/22/2003 11:03 PM 7,079,434 swayzak - himawari - 03 - state of grace.mp3
    10/22/2003 11:03 PM 7,932,672 swayzak - himawari - 04 - leisure centre.mp3
    10/22/2003 11:03 PM 6,530,432 swayzak - himawari - 05 - mysterons.mp3
    10/22/2003 11:03 PM 10,760,940 swayzak - himawari - 06 - doobie.mp3
    10/22/2003 11:03 PM 11,466,711 swayzak - himawari - 08 - japan air.mp3
    10/22/2003 11:03 PM 7,406,832 swayzak - himawari - 09 - pineapple spongecake.mp3
    10/22/2003 11:03 PM 8,187,454 swayzak - himawari - 10 - frozen loch.mp3
    10/22/2003 11:03 PM 10,369,568 swayzak - himawari - 11 - floyd.mp3
    10/22/2003 11:03 PM 13,186,390 swayzak - himawari - 12 - betek.mp3
    10/23/2003 06:00 AM 8,539,324 swayzak - snowboarding in argentina - 01 - speedboat.mp3
    10/23/2003 06:00 AM 8,242,902 swayzak - snowboarding in argentina - 02 - burma heights.mp3
    10/23/2003 06:00 AM 8,242,380 swayzak - snowboarding in argentina - 03 - blocks.mp3
    10/23/2003 06:00 AM 11,316,960 swayzak - snowboarding in argentina - 05 - fukamachi.mp3
    10/23/2003 06:00 AM 9,149,616 swayzak - snowboarding in argentina - 07 - skin diving.mp3
    10/23/2003 06:00 AM 8,205,318 swayzak - snowboarding in argentina - 04 - low rez skyline.mp3
    10/24/2003 12:55 AM 3,535,388 swayzak - snowboarding in argentina - 06 - french dub.mp3
    10/24/2003 01:07 AM 9,671,094 swayzak - snowboarding in argentina - 08 - cone.mp3
    10/24/2003 03:53 PM 7,669,636 radiohead - ok computer - 02 - paranoid android.mp3
    11/02/2003 03:24 AM 8,912,896 underworld - born slippy (aphex twin rmx).mp3
    11/06/2003 01:09 AM 1,436,943 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 01 - to all the girls.mp3
    11/06/2003 01:09 AM 2,881,410 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 03 - johnny ryall.mp3
    11/06/2003 01:09 AM 3,184,301 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 02 - shake your rump.mp3
    11/06/2003 01:09 AM 2,848,722 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 04 - egg man.mp3
    11/06/2003 01:09 AM 4,039,032 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 05 - high plains drifter.mp3
    11/06/2003 01:09 AM 3,837,910 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 06 - the sound of science.mp3
    11/06/2003 01:09 AM 3,507,919 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 07 - 3-minute rule.mp3
    11/06/2003 01:09 AM 557,221 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 09 - 5-piece chicken dinner.mp3
    11/06/2003 01:09 AM 3,513,782 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 11 - car thief.mp3
    11/06/2003 01:09 AM 4,000,705 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 13 - sadrach.mp3
    11/06/2003 01:09 AM 443,956 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 14 - ask for janice.mp3
    11/06/2003 01:22 AM 3,647,024 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 08 - hey ladies.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:24 AM 514,925 beastie boys - check your head - 11 - blue nun.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:25 AM 4,108,956 beastie boys - check your head - 03 - pass the mic.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:26 AM 3,329,462 beastie boys - check your head - 10 - something's got to give.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:27 AM 3,471,569 beastie boys - check your head - 07 - so what'cha want.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:33 AM 2,143,294 beastie boys - check your head - 13 - pow.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 12,057,703 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 15 - b-boy boullabaisse.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 3,117,558 beastie boys - check your head - 01 - jimmy james.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 1,533,910 beastie boys - check your head - 02 - funky boss.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 2,582,528 beastie boys - check your head - 05 - lighten up.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 3,517,962 beastie boys - check your head - 06 - finger lickin' good.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 536,659 beastie boys - check your head - 08 - biz vs. the nuge.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 1,739,128 beastie boys - check your head - 09 - time for livin'.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 2,679,536 beastie boys - check your head - 12 - stand together.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 2,754,157 beastie boys - check your head - 14 - maestro.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 2,453,838 beastie boys - check your head - 15 - groove holmes.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 3,168,966 beastie boys - check your head - 16 - live at pj's.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 4,019,513 beastie boys - check your head - 18 - professor booty.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 1,047,823 beastie boys - check your head - 17 - mark on the bus.mp3
    11/06/2003 03:36 AM 2,290,416 beastie boys - check your head - 19 - in 3's.mp3
    11/06/2003 04:01 AM 2,649,443 beastie boys - check your head - 04 - gratitude.mp3
    11/06/2003 04:39 AM 3,858,599 beastie boys - check your head - 20 - namaste.mp3
    11/06/2003 04:39 AM 3,004,290 beastie boys - paul's boutique - 12 - what comes around.mp3
    11/07/2003 05:12 AM 3,105,854 pink - get the party started.mp3
    11/12/2003 04:10 AM 3,904,993 mc chris - fett's vette.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 5,014,988 outkast - the love below - hey ya.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 2,733,871 bran van 3000 - glee - 02 - couch surfer.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 4,692,535 bran van 3000 - glee - 03 - drinking in la.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 3,585,671 bran van 3000 - glee - 06 - forest.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 3,702,912 bran van 3000 - glee - 09 - afrodiziak.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 2,065,554 bran van 3000 - glee - 10 - lucknow.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 3,262,158 bran van 3000 - glee - 11 - cum on feel the noize.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 3,408,108 bran van 3000 - glee - 12 - exactly like me.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 3,767,050 bran van 3000 - glee - 13 - everywhere.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 6,512,640 bran van 3000 - glee - 14 - chanson.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 2,674,938 bran van 3000 - glee - 15 - old school.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 2,321,763 bran van 3000 - glee - 16 - willard.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 5,198,158 bran van 3000 - glee - 17 - supermodel.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 1,260,146 bran van 3000 - glee - 18 - oblonging.mp3
    11/28/2003 11:28 PM 1,888,758 bran van 3000 - glee - 19 - mama don't smoke.mp3
    12/04/2003 06:19 PM 4,778,318 bran van 3000 - glee - 01 - gimmie sheldon.mp3
    12/04/2003 07:28 PM 6,978,819 bran van 3000 - glee - 08 - carry on.mp3
    12/04/2003 07:28 PM 2,380,030 bran van 3000 - glee - 04 - problems.mp3
    12/07/2003 07:40 PM 2,912,256 tool - mission impssible (techno rmx).mp3
    12/07/2003 07:45 PM 918,616 bran van 3000 - glee - 05 - highway to heck.mp3
    12/07/2003 07:45 PM 3,359,314 bran van 3000 - glee - 07 - rainshine.mp3
    12/07/2003 07:45 PM 7,610,574 limp bizkit - mission impossible 2 theme.mp3
    12/07/2003 07:48 PM 3,312,197 moby - mission impossible theme.mp3
    12/09/2003 08:41 PM 3,378,360 bob marley & the wailers- jamming.mp3
    12/09/2003 08:49 PM 6,839,902 bob marley - no woman no cry.mp3
    12/09/2003 08:50 PM 3,757,866 bob marley - could you be loved.mp3
    12/09/2003 09:06 PM 1,510,688 sean paul - diwali riddim.mp3
    12/09/2003 09:06 PM 3,492,460 sean paul - infiltrate.mp3
    12/09/2003 09:06 PM 1,643,002 sean paul - like glue.mp3
    12/18/2003 01:33 AM 6,218,719 amon tobin - nightfire.mp3
    12/18/2003 01:56 AM 4,939,859 aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 - 09 - schottkey 7th path.mp3
    12/18/2003 01:56 AM 5,249,196 aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 - 12 - delphium.mp3
    12/18/2003 01:59 AM 8,719,053 aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 - 02 - tha.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 2,006,622 aphex twin - twig.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 7,173,346 aphex twin - cliffs.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 7,010,011 aphex twin - domino.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 5,843,925 aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 - 06 - green calyx.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 8,581,537 aphex twin - hexagon.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 3,389,761 aphex twin - mold.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 6,913,026 aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 - 10 - ptolemy.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 4,705,674 aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 - 01 - xtal.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 1,235,571 aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 - 05 - i.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 4,659,558 aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 - 07 - heliosphan.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 5,823,445 aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 - 11 - hedphelym.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 9,569,593 aphex twin - tree.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:09 AM 2,536,176 aphex twin - white blur.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:16 AM 7,393,827 aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 - 08 - we are the music makers.mp3
    12/18/2003 02:53 AM 7,295,895 aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 - 13 - actium.mp3
    01/05/2004 02:27 AM 4,079,616 smashing pumpkins - tonight, tonight.mp3
    01/15/2004 06:01 AM 6,659,874 chemical brothers - where do I begin.mp3
    01/15/2004 07:47 AM 5,707,024 the verve - bittersweet symphony.mp3
    01/17/2004 01:51 AM 4,085,283 blade runner soundtrack - 01 - love theme.mp3
    01/17/2004 01:51 AM 3,540,298 blade runner soundtrack - 02 - main title.mp3
    01/17/2004 01:51 AM 7,308,550 blade runner soundtrack - 04 - memories of green.mp3
    01/17/2004 01:51 AM 9,959,967 blade runner soundtrack - 06 - blade runner blues.mp3
    01/21/2004 10:14 AM 4,618,318 k's choice - not an addict.mp3
    01/21/2004 10:14 AM 4,343,566 neneh cherry - move with me (sliver soundtrack).mp3
    01/21/2004 10:16 AM 3,293,518 unknown - slow jamz.mp3
    01/27/2004 08:48 AM 5,158,290 aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 - 04 - ageispolis.mp3
    01/27/2004 08:48 AM 4,119,414 rem - nightswimming.mp3
    02/02/2004 03:17 AM 6,535,029 jason mraz - the remedy.mp3
    02/02/2004 03:17 AM 3,083,283 jessica simpson - with you.mp3
    02/12/2004 04:24 PM 4,843,311 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 10 - juicy.mp3
    02/12/2004 04:31 PM 1,459,514 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 08 - fuck me.mp3
    02/12/2004 10:19 PM 3,287,249 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 01 - intro.mp3
    02/12/2004 10:19 PM 3,800,825 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 02 - things done changed.mp3
    02/12/2004 10:19 PM 4,870,896 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 03 - gimmie the loot.mp3
    02/12/2004 10:19 PM 3,798,831 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 09 - the what.mp3
    02/12/2004 10:19 PM 5,097,505 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 11 - everyday struggle.mp3
    02/12/2004 10:19 PM 3,182,712 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 12 - me and my bitch.mp3
    02/12/2004 10:19 PM 4,056,402 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 13 - big poppa.mp3
    02/12/2004 10:19 PM 5,150,619 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 14 - respect.mp3
    02/12/2004 10:19 PM 3,323,038 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 15 - friend of mine.mp3
    02/12/2004 10:19 PM 3,579,820 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 16 - unbelievable.mp3
    02/12/2004 10:19 PM 2,777,339 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 17 - suicidal thoughts.mp3
    02/13/2004 01:35 AM 4,231,836 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 06 - ready to die.mp3
    02/13/2004 02:25 AM 4,126,093 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 07 - one more chance.mp3
    02/13/2004 05:10 AM 4,126,619 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 04 - machine gun funk.mp3
    02/13/2004 05:10 AM 3,564,532 notorious b.i.g. - ready to die - 05 - warning.mp3
    02/15/2004 08:15 AM 4,366,002 sheik terra - dirty kuffar.mp3
    02/18/2004 08:28 PM 5,312,997 leonard cohen - everybody knows.mp3
    02/18/2004 08:31 PM 4,020,297 scorpions - rock you like a hurricane.mp3
    02/19/2004 07:53 PM 4,073,472 t'pau - heart and soul.mp3
    02/19/2004 09:16 PM 3,600,123 paul okenfold - starry eyed surprise.mp3
    02/20/2004 03:01 AM 3,970,454 danger mouse - the grey album - 01 - public service announcement.mp3
    02/20/2004 03:01 AM 6,371,002 danger mouse - the grey album - 02 - what more can i say.mp3
    02/20/2004 03:01 AM 3,850,082 danger mouse - the grey album - 03 - encore.mp3
    02/20/2004 03:01 AM 5,159,130 danger mouse - the grey album - 04 - december 4th.mp3
    02/20/2004 03:01 AM 5,924,622 danger mouse - the grey album - 05 - 99 problems.mp3
    02/20/2004 03:01 AM 5,747,825 danger mouse - the grey album - 06 - dirt off your shoulder.mp3
    02/20/2004 03:01 AM 5,769,768 danger mouse - the grey album - 07 - moment of clarity.mp3
    02/20/2004 03:01 AM 5,871,959 danger mouse - the grey album - 08 - change clothes.mp3
    02/20/2004 03:01 AM 5,915,218 danger mouse - the grey album - 09 - allure.mp3
    02/20/2004 03:01 AM 6,071,953 danger mouse - the grey album - 10 - justify my thug.mp3
    02/20/2004 03:01 AM 2,914,062 danger mouse - the grey album - 11 - interlude.mp3
    02/20/2004 03:01 AM 7,976,229 danger mouse - the grey album - 12 - my first song.mp3
    02/27/2004 11:13 PM 3,399,262 guster - two points for honesty.mp3
    02/27/2004 11:17 PM 4,121,077 night ranger - goodbye.mp3
    03/09/2004 12:36 PM 3,782,570 cars - magic.mp3
    03/09/2004 12:40 PM 3,751,602 animotion - obsession.mp3
    03/09/2004 12:48 PM 1,356,584 rick springfield - jessie's girl.mp3
    03/09/2004 12:55 PM 2,587,902 devo - whip it.mp3
    03/09/2004 12:55 PM 4,357,642 erasure - alien.mp3
    03/09/2004 12:55 PM 5,673,377 soft cell - tained love.mp3
    03/09/2004 12:55 PM 3,976,359 styx - mr. roboto.mp3
    03/09/2004 12:55 PM 3,420,868 the weather girls - it's raining men.mp3
    03/09/2004 12:55 PM 3,866,784 toto - rosanna.mp3
    03/09/2004 12:55 PM 2,924,681 u2 - with our without you.mp3
    03/10/2004 04:14 PM 3,278,742 counting crows - colorblind.mp3
    03/10/2004 06:22 PM 4,788,245 evanescence - fallen - 02 - bring me to life.mp3
    03/12/2004 01:08 PM 3,121,319 falco - rock me amadeus.mp3
    03/17/2004 04:11 AM 4,123,298 evanescence - fallen - 04 - my immortal.mp3
    03/24/2004 12:01 AM 4,439,980 lacuna coil - stars.mp3
    03/24/2004 12:01 AM 5,262,524 paul hardcastle - nineteen.mp3
    03/24/2004 12:01 AM 4,993,952 pm dawn - set adrift on memory bliss.mp3
    03/24/2004 12:01 AM 9,354,345 underworld - born slippy.mp3
    03/28/2004 06:59 AM 6,285,715 darude - sandstorm.mp3
    04/09/2004 05:21 PM 5,642,847 amon tobin - anoukha.mp3
    04/09/2004 05:21 PM 7,127,013 amon tobin - back from space.mp3
    04/09/2004 05:21 PM 5,686,752 amon tobin - cat people.mp3
    04/09/2004 05:21 PM 7,275,102 amon tobin - chocolate lovely.mp3
    04/09/2004 05:21 PM 4,838,168 amon tobin - easy muffin.mp3
    04/09/2004 05:21 PM 6,859,937 amon tobin - four ton mantis.mp3
    04/09/2004 05:21 PM 4,193,384 amon tobin - get your snack on.mp3
    04/09/2004 05:21 PM 6,512,547 amon tobin - hey blondie.mp3
    04/09/2004 05:21 PM 6,233,862 amon tobin - nightlife.mp3
    04/09/2004 05:21 PM 6,899,622 amon tobin - sordid.mp3
    04/09/2004 06:15 PM 6,312,019 amon tobin - reanimator.mp3
    04/11/2004 02:31 PM 7,028,692 amon tobin - dream sequence.mp3
    05/29/2004 11:53 PM 8,731,376 rabbit in the moon - deeper.mp3
    05/29/2004 11:53 PM 3,625,308 rabbit in the moon - fear.mp3
    06/06/2004 06:35 PM 6,672,000 rabbit in the moon - subconscious.mp3
    07/13/2004 08:29 PM 6,555,689 underworld - born slippy (oakenfold rmx).mp3
    08/03/2004 02:00 AM 4,906,475 radiohead - hail to the thief - 01 - 2 + 2 = 5.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:00 AM 6,123,938 radiohead - hail to the thief - 02 - sit down stand up.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:00 AM 6,434,952 radiohead - hail to the thief - 03 - sail to the moon.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 5,052,500 radiohead - hail to the thief - 05 - go to sleep.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 7,961,496 radiohead - hail to the thief - 04 - backdrifts.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 6,573,454 radiohead - hail to the thief - 06 - where i end you begin.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 7,169,045 radiohead - hail to the thief - 07 - we suck young blood.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 6,305,751 radiohead - hail to the thief - 08 - the gloaming.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 7,797,238 radiohead - hail to the thief - 09 - there there.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 5,706,397 radiohead - hail to the thief - 12 - myxomatosis.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 3,477,003 radiohead - hail to the thief - 10 - i will.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 7,085,036 radiohead - hail to the thief - 11 - punch up at a wedding.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 4,895,138 radiohead - hail to the thief - 13 - scatterbrain.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 1,813,732 radiohead - hail to the thief - 15 - screaming backwards.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 4,724,255 radiohead - hail to the thief - 14 - a wolf at the door.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 4,589,040 radiohead - kid a - 02 - kid a.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 6,049,363 radiohead - kid a - 01 - everything in its right place.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 5,633,672 radiohead - kid a - 03 - the national anthem.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 5,705,345 radiohead - kid a - 04 - how to disappear completely.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 5,366,414 radiohead - kid a - 05 - treefingers.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 7,613,738 radiohead - kid a - 06 - optimistic.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 3,376,692 radiohead - kid a - 07 - in limbo.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 4,918,066 radiohead - kid a - 08 - idioteque.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 4,438,548 radiohead - kid a - 09 - morning bell.mp3
    08/03/2004 02:01 AM 6,744,480 radiohead - kid a - 10 - motion picture soundtrack.mp3
    08/03/2004 03:11 AM 6,901,969 radiohead - kid a - 03 - the national anthem (live).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 4,048,258 radiohead - the bends - 03 - high and dry.mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 4,640,600 radiohead - the bends - 04 - fake plastic trees.mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 3,940,937 radiohead - the bends - 02 - bends.mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 4,149,498 radiohead - the bends - 01 - planet telex.mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 3,025,188 radiohead - the bends - 05 - bones.mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 3,340,330 radiohead - the bends - 09 - bullet proof...i wish i was.mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 4,419,360 radiohead - the bends - 08 - my iron lung.mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 3,706,044 radiohead - the bends - 06 - nice dream.mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 3,735,552 radiohead - the bends - 07 - just.mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 3,915,776 radiohead - the bends - 10 - black star.mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 3,567,699 radiohead - the bends - 11 - sulk.mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 4,042,083 radiohead - the bends - 12 - street spirit (fade out).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 4,343,808 radiohead - be quiet and drive (acoustic).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 4,571,456 radiohead - fake plastic trees (acoustic).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 3,925,900 radiohead - black star (acoustic).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 4,167,786 radiohead - creep (acoustic 01).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 3,564,902 radiohead - lift (live).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 4,057,547 radiohead - high and dry (acoustic).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 4,119,768 radiohead - karma police (live).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 3,548,524 radiohead - stop whispering (live acoustic).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 2,845,884 radiohead - thinking about you (acoustic).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 4,395,008 radiohead - true love waits (acoustic).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 1,222,894 radiohead - wonderwall (acoustic).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 3,248,128 radiohead and portishead - blow out (live).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 4,193,378 radiohead - the bends (acoustic).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 5,169,152 radiohead and smashing pumpkins - comfortably numb (live).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 3,251,186 radiohead and the pixies - in my mind (acoustic).mp3
    08/03/2004 11:35 PM 2,863,736 radiohead and smashing pumpkins - if there is a god (acousti.mp3
    08/15/2004 09:35 PM 2,725,303 russel simmons def poetry - s01e02 - danny haas - public service announcement.mp3
    08/15/2004 09:35 PM 1,337,574 russel simmons def poetry - s01e02 - emanuel xavier - break tradition.mp3
    08/15/2004 09:35 PM 1,323,154 russel simmons def poetry - s01e02 - lemon - gansta mc.mp3
    08/15/2004 09:35 PM 2,004,637 russel simmons def poetry - poetry - krispy kreme donuts.mp3
    08/15/2004 09:35 PM 2,049,776 russel simmons def poetry - marc joseph - tapdance.mp3
    08/15/2004 09:35 PM 1,946,958 russel simmons def poetry - steve coleman - terrorist threat.mp3
    08/15/2004 09:35 PM 2,152,908 russel simmons def poetry - richard montoya - 3am in miami.mp3
    08/15/2004 09:35 PM 2,677,969 russel simmons def poetry - vanessa hidery - what does jewish look like to you.mp3
    08/15/2004 09:35 PM 1,880,816 russel simmons def poetry - unknown - this is not my village.mp3
    08/15/2004 09:51 PM 1,854,798 russel simmons def poetry - s01e02 - alex olsen - i take this legacy.mp3
    08/15/2004 09:51 PM 2,272,967 russel simmons def poetry - s01e02 - bocea - asian invasion.mp3
    11/09/2004 02:08 PM 4,942,159 dr. octagon - i'm destructive.mp3
    11/18/2004 01:42 AM 3,598,628 sublime - summertime.mp3
    11/18/2004 01:44 AM 5,858,951 sublime - pawn shop.mp3
    11/22/2004 12:27 AM 3,471,151 queen - another one bites the dust.mp3
    12/04/2004 07:05 PM 8,275,174 malcolm x - i'm a field negro.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 3,598,628 black eyed peas - hey mama (radio edit).mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 4,318,958 black eyed peas - let's get retarded.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 7,109,485 black eyed peas - shut up.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 2,303,796 cake - perhaps perhaps perhaps.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 4,892,630 custom - hey mister.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 8,408,502 eminem - superman.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 9,726,379 gary jules - mad world (white label 2004 club rmx).mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 7,585,845 gary jules - mad world.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 4,949,344 ghetto boys - damn it feels good to be a gangster.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 5,212,160 journey - seperate ways.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 4,969,610 len - steal my sunshine.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 10,120,359 malcolm x - by any means necessary.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 7,222,380 malcolm x - on police brutality.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 7,946,664 malcolm x - taxes and philosophy.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 6,383,490 malcolm x - white liberals & jews.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 10,782,092 new order - blue monday.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 6,098,733 oingo boingo - dead man's party.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 3,600,384 oingo boingo - little girls.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 3,497,900 oingo boingo - we close our eyes.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 5,824,200 oingo boingo - weird science.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 4,265,536 orgy - blue monday.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 5,650,862 queen - bohemian rhapsody.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 3,622,661 queen - bicycle race.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 2,596,206 queen - crazy little thing called love.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 4,102,559 queen - fat bottomed girls.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 2,914,176 queen - i wan to ride my bicycle.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 3,620,048 queen - killer queen.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 4,687,856 queen - somebody to love.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 54,282 quotes - half baked - fuck you, you're cool.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 3,302,586 ratt - lay it down.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 4,243,774 ratt - round and round.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 4,254,319 ratt - way cool junior.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 3,119,937 ratt - you're in love.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 3,216,195 ratt - you're in trouble.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 3,388,395 sublime - caress me down.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 3,480,190 sublime - date rape.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 9,156,649 sublime - why can't we be friends.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 4,073,302 tears for fears - head over heels.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:44 PM 79,743,996 ben liebrand - grandmix 2002.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:45 PM 7,286,014 puddle of mudd - blurry.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 4,092,000 wheatus - teenage dirtbag.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 4,958,944 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 01 - ch check it out.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 3,484,714 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 02 - right right now n.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 4,030,513 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 03 - three the hard wa.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 4,691,720 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 04 - it takes time to .mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 3,261,491 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 05 - rhyme the rhyme w.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 4,312,301 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 06 - triple trouble.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 2,865,196 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 07 - hey fuck you.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 4,205,404 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 08 - oh word.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 3,256,706 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 09 - that's it that's .mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 3,384,636 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 10 - all lifestyles.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 3,105,971 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 11 - shazam.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 7,299,812 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 12 - an open letter to.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 4,023,089 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 13 - crawlspace.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 3,293,295 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 14 - the bruhaha.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 4,124,434 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 15 - we got the.mp3
    12/10/2004 10:46 PM 3,459,792 beastie boys - to the five boroughs - 16 - now get busy.mp3
    12/10/2004 11:10 PM 4,646,870 motley crue - dr feelgood.mp3
    12/10/2004 11:13 PM 4,522,318 motley crue - kickstart my heart.mp3
    12/10/2004 11:20 PM 4,113,136 motley crue - girls girls girls.mp3
    12/10/2004 11:20 PM 3,860,271 motley crue - home sweet home.mp3
    12/10/2004 11:20 PM 4,304,143 motley crue - without you.mp3
    12/11/2004 10:54 PM 3,346,180 mos def - black on both sides - 17 - may-december.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 4,299,545 mos def - black on both sides - 01 - fear not of man.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 3,143,888 mos def - black on both sides - 02 - hip hop.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 4,212,609 mos def - black on both sides - 03 - love.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 3,577,729 mos def - black on both sides - 04 - ms fat booty.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 4,104,358 mos def - black on both sides - 05 - speed law.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 3,673,860 mos def - black on both sides - 06 - do it now.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 3,322,774 mos def - black on both sides - 07 - got.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 4,969,951 mos def - black on both sides - 08 - umi says.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 3,070,327 mos def - black on both sides - 09 - new world water.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 4,848,325 mos def - black on both sides - 10 - rock n roll.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 3,897,050 mos def - black on both sides - 11 - know that.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 3,873,226 mos def - black on both sides - 12 - climb.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 4,961,174 mos def - black on both sides - 13 - brooklyn.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 4,470,072 mos def - black on both sides - 14 - habitat.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 5,001,716 mos def - black on both sides - 15 - mr nigga.mp3
    12/11/2004 11:35 PM 3,944,279 mos def - black on both sides - 16 - mathematics.mp3
    12/12/2004 01:14 AM 3,548,056 radiohead - idioteque (snl live).mp3
    12/15/2004 01:14 AM 7,265,378 crystal method - trip like i do.mp3
    12/15/2004 06:25 AM 4,507,648 vangelis - metalic rain.mp3
    12/15/2004 09:02 AM 4,470,491 vangelis - blade runner end titles.mp3
    12/15/2004 12:32 PM 3,928,868 vangelis - blade runner.mp3
    12/20/2004 11:31 AM 3,512,946 beck - the new pollution.mp3
    12/20/2004 12:44 PM 5,301,946 beck - where it's at.mp3
    12/21/2004 12:18 AM 3,106,690 beck - devil's haircut.mp3
    12/21/2004 12:18 AM 7,082,318 beck - everybody's gotta learn sometime.mp3
    12/21/2004 12:19 AM 5,460,010 beck - lost cause.mp3
    12/21/2004 12:19 AM 8,107,904 beck ft. beth orton - beautiful way.mp3
    12/21/2004 12:19 AM 3,607,694 jamiroquai - virtual insanity.mp3
    12/21/2004 12:19 AM 9,454,303 paul van dyke vs. jamiroquai - avenues vs. deeper underground.mp3
    12/21/2004 12:44 AM 4,272,586 green day - american idiot.mp3
    12/21/2004 01:03 AM 6,159,208 richard cheese - gin and juice.mp3
    12/21/2004 01:19 AM 3,399,263 scissor sisters - it can't come quickly enough.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 3,164,241 bob marley - jammin.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 2,688,731 bob marley - one love.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 9,761,052 crystal method - blade techno opener.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 3,954,103 crystal method - born too slow.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 7,155,043 crystal method - busy child.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 5,276,942 crystal method - high roller.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 5,990,205 crystal method - keep hope alive.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 6,116,976 crystal method - name of the game.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 5,858,534 crystal method - roll it up.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 4,297,038 death cab for cutie - 405 (acoustic).mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 4,152,424 death cab for cutie - a movie script ending.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 7,044,992 garbage - i think i'm paranoid (crystal method rmx).mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 5,683,280 gorillaz - clint eastwood.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 6,259,356 green day - boulevard of broken dreams.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 6,013,741 iron and wine - such great heights (postal service cover).mp3
    12/22/2004 02:31 AM 3,351,613 richard cheese - down with the sickness.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:32 AM 3,998,616 sleep station - caroline.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:32 AM 4,606,120 sleep station - there she goes.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:32 AM 2,743,066 the faint - worked up so sexual (death cab for cutie rmx).mp3
    12/22/2004 02:32 AM 6,065,632 the postal service - against all odds.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:32 AM 6,394,199 the postal service - such great heights.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:32 AM 6,824,948 the postal service - the district sleeps alone tonight.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:32 AM 7,214,862 the postal service - we will become silhouettes.mp3
    12/22/2004 02:32 AM 4,347,936 the shins - we will become silhouettes (postal service cover).mp3
    12/22/2004 02:32 AM 9,959,967 vangelis - blade runner blues.mp3
    12/25/2004 06:28 AM 5,683,409 afroman - colt 45.mp3
    12/25/2004 06:28 AM 6,523,670 ice-t - reckless.mp3
    12/25/2004 06:28 AM 1,255,424 moxy fruvous & davinci's notebook - shoehorn with teeth.mp3
    12/25/2004 06:28 AM 4,182,517 nwa - express yourself.mp3
    12/25/2004 06:28 AM 4,106,547 outkast ft. slick rock - da art of storytelling.mp3
    12/25/2004 06:28 AM 4,995,552 public enemy & moby - make love fuck war.mp3
    12/25/2004 06:28 AM 4,534,439 public enemy - fight the power.mp3
    12/25/2004 06:28 AM 4,867,009 public enemy - fuck the police.mp3
    12/25/2004 06:28 AM 3,115,049 public enemy - night of the living baseheads.mp3
    12/25/2004 06:28 AM 4,829,892 public enemy - rebel without a pause.mp3
    12/25/2004 06:28 AM 2,951,943 run dmc - it's tricky.mp3
    12/25/2004 06:28 AM 3,288,462 run dmc - you be illin'.mp3
    12/25/2004 04:51 PM 3,112,945 moxy fruvous - king of spain (live).mp3
    01/03/2005 03:12 AM 5,002,971 jimi hendrix - voodoo child.mp3
    01/03/2005 07:05 PM 3,851,075 jimi hendrix - all along the watchtower.mp3
    01/03/2005 07:05 PM 3,210,344 jimi hendrix - foxy lady.mp3
    01/03/2005 07:05 PM 2,772,741 jimi hendrix - purple haze.mp3
    01/03/2005 07:05 PM 3,398,583 jimi hendrix - star spangled banner.mp3
    01/03/2005 07:05 PM 6,595,226 jimi hendrix - wild thing.mp3
    01/05/2005 01:07 AM 9,973,968 the postal service - the district sleeps alone tonight (dj downfall rmx).mp3
    01/07/2005 01:35 AM 2,097,319 the doors - people are strange.mp3
    01/08/2005 11:31 PM 2,339,608 the doors - break on through.mp3
    01/08/2005 11:31 PM 7,514,360 the doors - la woman.mp3
    01/08/2005 11:31 PM 6,828,489 the doors - light my fire.mp3
    01/08/2005 11:31 PM 3,954,416 the doors - love her madly.mp3
    01/08/2005 11:31 PM 3,135,456 the doors - love me two times.mp3
    01/08/2005 11:31 PM 6,911,736 the doors - riders on the storm.mp3
    01/08/2005 11:31 PM 11,232,653 the doors - the end.mp3
    01/08/2005 11:31 PM 3,078,977 the doors - touch me.mp3
    01/13/2005 12:38 AM 5,081,392 pink floyd - wish you were here.mp3
    01/13/2005 12:44 AM 6,144,000 pink floyd - comfortably numb.mp3
    01/13/2005 12:45 AM 5,491,436 pink floyd - another brick in the wall.mp3
    01/13/2005 12:47 AM 3,688,907 pink floyd - dark side of the moon.mp3
    01/13/2005 12:47 AM 6,808,359 pink floyd - time.mp3
    01/13/2005 12:51 AM 6,120,594 pink floyd - money.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:04 AM 3,848,022 pink floyd - breathe.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:04 AM 2,692,493 pink floyd - goodbye blue sky.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:04 AM 5,189,653 pink floyd - have a cigar.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:04 AM 5,367,592 pink floyd - mother.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:04 AM 6,983,470 pink floyd - learning to fly.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:04 AM 4,525,244 pink floyd - hey you.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:04 AM 13,036,018 pink floyd - shine on you crazy diamond.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:04 AM 4,480,940 pink floyd - the great gig in the sky.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 2,560,417 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 01 - intro.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 7,232,365 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 02 - national anthem.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 5,721,236 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 03 - morning bell.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 7,008,548 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 04 - fake plastic trees.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 4,507,062 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 05 - you and whose army.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 6,560,287 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 06 - planet telex.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 6,342,112 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 07 - lucky.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 7,017,952 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 08 - in limbo.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 7,088,169 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 09 - dollars and cents.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 6,276,284 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 10 - climbing up the walls.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 6,602,919 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 11 - exit music.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 8,795,324 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 12 - paranoid android.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 11,904,313 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 13 - how to disappear completely.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 5,937,737 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 14 - idioteque.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 12,903,026 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 15 - everything in its right place.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 5,814,857 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 16 - no surprises.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 6,334,589 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 17 - knives out.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 6,757,146 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 18 - karma police.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 7,868,081 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 19 - egyptian song.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 4,148,453 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 20 - killer cars.mp3

    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 8,026,697 radiohead - goffert park nijmegen - 21 - my iron lung.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 1,817,495 radiohead - musique plus montreal - 01 - introduction.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 5,207,353 radiohead - musique plus montreal - 02 - go to sleep.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 6,270,014 radiohead - musique plus montreal - 03 - sail to the moon.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 13,010,860 radiohead - musique plus montreal - 04 - interview pt 1.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 7,924,506 radiohead - musique plus montreal - 05 - punchup at the wedding.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 5,953,410 radiohead - musique plus montreal - 06 - no surprises.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 16,287,869 radiohead - musique plus montreal - 07 - interview pt 2.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 4,337,162 radiohead - musique plus montreal - 08 - i will.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 7,290,671 radiohead - musique plus montreal - 09 - there there.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 5,993,534 radiohead - musique plus montreal - 10 - everything in its right place.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 8,441,103 radiohead - musique plus montreal - 11 - karma police.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 5,359,072 radiohead - musique plus montreal - 12 - like spinning plates.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 5,961,561 radiohead - reservoir 2003 - 01 - i might be wrong.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 7,160,268 radiohead - reservoir 2003 - 02 - there there.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 6,073,156 radiohead - reservoir 2003 - 03 - knives out.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 6,256,849 radiohead - reservoir 2003 - 04 - sail to the moon.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 3,577,313 radiohead - reservoir 2003 - 05 - i will.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 5,892,598 radiohead - reservoir 2003 - 06 - no surprises.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 6,795,389 radiohead - reservoir 2003 - 07 - punchup at the wedding.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 7,078,139 radiohead - reservoir 2003 - 08 - everything in its right place.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 7,301,329 radiohead - reservoir 2003 - 09 - street spirit.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 3,002,410 radiohead - reservoir 2003 - 10 - fog.mp3
    01/13/2005 01:05 AM 6,696,960 radiohead - reservoir 2003 - 11 - karma police.mp3
    01/17/2005 07:20 PM 979,696 michael savage - on the tsunami aid (many soundbytes).mp3
    01/18/2005 12:20 AM 4,592,536 jazz gone bad - where are the horns.mp3
    01/19/2005 08:41 PM 5,290,849 sean paul - i'm still in love with you boy.mp3
    01/20/2005 12:04 AM 3,438,132 sean paul - get busy.mp3
    01/20/2005 12:09 AM 8,985,286 rabbit in the moon - drum and bass (ak 1200 rmx).mp3
    01/20/2005 12:13 AM 57,919,418 howard stern - 9-11-2001 show.mp3
    01/20/2005 12:13 AM 5,433,678 sean paul - gimme the light.mp3
    01/20/2005 12:13 AM 5,733,354 shaggy & sean paul - hey sexy lady.mp3
    01/21/2005 11:36 PM 1,572,864 rahzel - freestyle beatbox battle.mp3
    01/21/2005 11:36 PM 1,572,864 rahzel - freestyle beatbox battle 2.mp3
    01/21/2005 11:38 PM 3,205,120 rahzel - rza freestyle over beatbox.mp3
    01/21/2005 11:40 PM 2,152,907 rahzel - freestyle beatbox session 2.mp3
    01/21/2005 11:47 PM 2,346,876 fat boys - human beat box.mp3
    01/21/2005 11:48 PM 3,588,530 dj logic and babu - beatbox logic.mp3
    01/21/2005 11:49 PM 2,059,392 schnappi das kleine krokodil - beatbox.mp3
    01/22/2005 12:22 AM 2,779,242 promise ring - red and blue jeans.mp3
    01/22/2005 01:19 AM 1,389,072 rahzel vs. roots - beatbox vs. scratch.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 5,322,292 ak1200 - carbonite.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 4,247,301 atmosphere - freestyle 4.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 1,760,734 joel turner - beatbox.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 3,343,964 mos def & biz markie - beatbox.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 3,737,600 promise ring - best looking boys.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 5,337,756 promise ring - electric pink.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 2,806,595 promise ring - happiness is all the rage.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 2,617,968 promise ring - heart of a broken story.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 3,021,844 promise ring - make me a mix tape.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 1,928,132 promise ring - nothing feels good.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 1,943,928 promise ring - over you.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 6,345,038 promise ring - say goodbye good.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 4,881,633 promise ring - stop playing guitar.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 3,566,863 promise ring - the deep south.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 3,289,861 rahzel - beatbox battle.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 2,152,904 rahzel - beatbox session.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 5,431,736 rahzel - beatboxing on wu tracks.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 1,194,527 rahzel - ironman.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 4,011,368 rahzel - the human beat box.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 4,212,482 rahzel and rakim - it's a must.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 3,141,358 relient k - the pirates who don't do anything.mp3
    01/22/2005 10:04 PM 1,111,353 roni size - beatbox.mp3
    01/23/2005 03:27 AM 6,382,640 tom waits - waltzing matilda.mp3
    01/23/2005 04:58 AM 7,641,334 tom waits - empty pockets and broken bicycles (live).mp3
    01/23/2005 11:23 PM 4,550,584 fifth element - diva opera mix.mp3
    01/23/2005 11:54 PM 4,427,023 bloodhound gang - mope.mp3
    01/24/2005 12:18 AM 2,969,842 g love and special sauce - rhyme for the summertime.mp3
    01/24/2005 12:26 AM 6,307,872 g love and special sauce - this ain't living.mp3
    01/24/2005 12:30 AM 4,648,147 butthole surfers - pepper.mp3
    01/24/2005 01:24 AM 4,262,218 dennis leary - asshole.mp3
    01/25/2005 01:01 AM 3,387,133 g love and special sauce - basketball.mp3
    01/25/2005 01:03 AM 2,294,708 g love and special sauce - kick drum.mp3
    01/25/2005 01:06 AM 4,824,920 g love and special sauce - do it for free.mp3
    01/25/2005 01:06 AM 2,280,258 g love and special sauce - gimmie some lovin'.mp3
    01/25/2005 01:06 AM 2,870,125 g love and special sauce - milk and cookies.mp3
    01/25/2005 01:06 AM 4,230,165 g love and special sauce - numbers.mp3
    01/25/2005 01:06 AM 3,000,529 g love and special sauce - unified.mp3
    01/25/2005 01:06 AM 3,317,630 g love and special sauce - willow tree.mp3
    01/25/2005 01:06 AM 5,398,674 tom waits - closing time.mp3
    01/25/2005 01:12 AM 3,505,841 g love and special sauce - love.mp3
    01/25/2005 01:16 AM 3,670,016 g love and special sauce - surf music.mp3
    01/26/2005 01:56 AM 4,937,769 blue oyster cult - don't fear the reaper.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 13,686,318 dido - aria (trance rmx).mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 4,786,678 g love and special sauce - astronaut.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 4,144,588 g love and special sauce - blackbird.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 3,012,656 g love and special sauce - blues music.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 6,910,322 g love and special sauce - booty call.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 5,389,572 g love and special sauce - fire on the mountain (live).mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 3,735,719 g love and special sauce - dreaming.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 2,284,983 g love and special sauce - free at last.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 4,662,326 g love and special sauce - garbage man.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 2,463,033 g love and special sauce - i like cold beverage.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 3,668,428 g love and special sauce - i-76.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 3,112,960 g love and special sauce - kiss and tell.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 5,406,590 g love and special sauce - lay down the law.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 2,870,125 g love and special sauce - milk and cereal.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 3,675,949 g love and special sauce - mom can surf.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 3,748,675 g love and special sauce - my baby's got sauce.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 4,327,445 g love and special sauce - recipe.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 2,823,507 g love and special sauce - rodeo clowns.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 4,229,876 g love and special sauce - steppin' stone.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 5,079,990 g love and special sauce - shy girl.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 3,066,020 g love and special sauce - take you there.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 3,608,448 g love and special sauce - the things i used to do.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:11 AM 3,463,499 g love and special sauce - honor and harmony.mp3
    01/26/2005 02:44 AM 3,989,420 marvin gaye - sexual healing.mp3
    01/26/2005 05:58 PM 6,885,376 dmb ft. phish - sexual healing.mp3
    01/26/2005 05:58 PM 3,343,762 kate bush - sexual healing.mp3
    01/26/2005 05:58 PM 4,877,165 keith sweat - twisted (sexual healing rmx).mp3
    01/26/2005 05:58 PM 3,412,504 long beach dub allstars - slightly stoopid.mp3
    01/26/2005 05:58 PM 4,045,734 louis xiv - finding out true love is blind.mp3
    01/26/2005 05:58 PM 11,181,294 marvin gaye - sexual healing (instrumental).mp3
    01/26/2005 05:58 PM 3,201,276 max-a-million & shaggy - sexual healing.mp3
    01/26/2005 05:58 PM 5,175,936 rmx crew ft. romeo and ambush - sexual healing.mp3
    01/26/2005 05:58 PM 3,372,312 shaggy - sexual healing (barry white rmx).mp3
    01/26/2005 05:58 PM 4,255,660 slick rick snoop dogg - sexual healing.mp3
    01/26/2005 05:58 PM 25,094,269 sublime & slightly stoopid - the kind irie dub.mp3
    01/29/2005 01:42 AM 5,863,967 slightly stoopid ft. g love - mellow mood.mp3
    01/29/2005 10:27 PM 2,740,224 robert johnson - got my mojo working.mp3
    01/29/2005 10:50 PM 2,450,494 robert johnson - crossroads blues.mp3
    01/31/2005 12:47 AM 2,616,842 paul simon - me and julio down by the schoolyard.mp3
    02/02/2005 04:01 PM 3,024,770 eels - novacaine for the soul.mp3
    02/02/2005 11:09 PM 3,100,839 tesla - signs.mp3
    02/02/2005 11:31 PM 3,828,399 five man electrical band - signs.mp3
    02/10/2005 01:16 AM 3,392,443 paul simon - 50 ways to leave your lover.mp3
    02/10/2005 02:20 AM 4,345,810 tom petty - last dance with mary jane.mp3
    02/10/2005 02:22 AM 4,631,823 tom petty - roll another joint.mp3
    02/10/2005 02:26 AM 4,174,954 tom petty - running down a dream.mp3
    02/10/2005 02:29 AM 2,594,881 tom petty - don't do me like that.mp3
    02/10/2005 09:49 PM 5,697,018 bran van 3000 - astounded.mp3
    02/10/2005 10:30 PM 3,471,942 bran van 3000 - greece.mp3
    02/18/2005 08:08 PM 4,167,262 lenny bruce - point of view, ku klux klan.mp3
    02/20/2005 08:12 PM 57,372,003 bill hicks - relentless.mp3
    02/21/2005 07:11 PM 1,890,011 bill hicks - it's just a ride.mp3
    02/23/2005 10:51 PM 4,940,070 aerosmith - sweet emotion.mp3
    02/24/2005 01:35 AM 3,702,700 dj funk - i'm so high.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 49,749,969 bill hicks - dangerous.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 48,717,741 bill hicks - infamous chicago show.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 57,372,003 bill hicks - philosophy.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 31,025,554 bill hicks - rant in e minor.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 2,760,202 bran van 3000 - go shopping.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 3,814,295 bran van 3000 - love cliche.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 4,014,497 bran van 3000 - montreal.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 50,674,207 dane cook - harmful if swallowed.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 5,593,088 dave matthews - 50 ways to leave your lover.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 3,180,251 def poetry - talib kweli - stand to the side.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 7,861,812 def poetry - taylor mali - teachers.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 7,953,138 lenny bruce - christians and jews.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 758,160 lenny bruce - tits and ass.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 5,891,651 ludacris - blueberry yum yum.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 2,739,646 marcy playground - sex and candy.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 2,747,535 robert johnson - come on in my kitchen.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 3,766,944 robert johnson - hell hound on my trail.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 2,746,410 robert johnson - kind hearted woman blues.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 2,283,424 robert johnson - love in vain.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 2,526,017 robert johnson - me and the devil blues.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 2,699,176 robert johnson - preaching blues.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 2,868,079 robert johnson - sweet home chicago.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 2,726,878 robert johnson - the sky is crying.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 3,757,871 robert johnson - Whiskey Blues(1).mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 3,757,871 robert johnson - whiskey blues.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 4,865,880 tom petty - don't come around here no more.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 3,351,364 tom petty - american girl.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 3,991,382 tom petty - free falling.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 2,827,493 tom petty - i won't back down.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 3,851,911 tom petty - learning to fly.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 3,823,760 tom petty - waiting is the hardest part.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 3,459,866 tom petty - you got lucky.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 5,493,945 tom waits - step right up.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 2,550,386 weezer - buddy holly.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 4,456,833 weezer - hash pipe.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 4,488,464 william shatner - common people.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:01 PM 3,450,880 wyclef jean and cartman - bubblegoose.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:02 PM 5,286,765 yerba buena - batacumbele.mp3
    02/24/2005 08:02 PM 6,879,608 yerba buena - bote bote va.mp3
    02/26/2005 10:11 PM 5,820,903 jewel - wild horses.mp3
    02/26/2005 10:18 PM 4,330,544 pearl jam - wild horses.mp3
    02/26/2005 11:06 PM 4,301,514 bush - wild horses (acoustic).mp3
    02/26/2005 11:06 PM 4,990,190 dave matthews band - wild horses (live).mp3
    02/26/2005 11:06 PM 4,856,268 elvis costello & lucinda williams - wild horses.mp3
    02/26/2005 11:06 PM 4,568,048 mazzy star - wild horses.mp3
    02/26/2005 11:06 PM 6,799,545 rolling stones - wild horses.mp3
    02/26/2005 11:06 PM 4,384,200 sarah mclachlan - wild horses.mp3
    02/26/2005 11:06 PM 3,827,168 sheryl crow - wild horses.mp3
    02/26/2005 11:06 PM 4,571,219 the sundays - wild horses.mp3
    02/28/2005 07:49 PM 3,912,248 beastie boys - ill communication - 07 - get it together.mp3
    02/28/2005 08:16 PM 3,188,192 beastie boys - ill communication - 01 - sure shot.mp3
    02/28/2005 08:16 PM 3,565,840 beastie boys - ill communication - 05 - root down.mp3
    02/28/2005 08:16 PM 2,855,497 beastie boys - ill communication - 06 - sabotage.mp3
    02/28/2005 08:16 PM 3,558,504 beastie boys - ill communication - 10 - futterman's rule.mp3
    02/28/2005 08:16 PM 2,991,327 beastie boys - ill communication - 11 - alright hear this.mp3
    02/28/2005 08:16 PM 2,160,013 beastie boys - ill communication - 16 - heart attack man.mp3
    02/28/2005 08:16 PM 3,531,337 beastie boys - ill communication - 18 - shambala.mp3
    02/28/2005 08:16 PM 3,013,486 beastie boys - ill communication - 19 - bodhisattva vow.mp3
    02/28/2005 08:16 PM 2,422,491 beastie boys - ill communication - 20 - transitions.mp3
    02/28/2005 09:36 PM 1,836,142 beastie boys - ill communication - 13 - flute loop.mp3
    02/28/2005 10:33 PM 923,271 beastie boys - ill communication - 02 - tough guy.mp3
    02/28/2005 10:33 PM 1,166,349 beastie boys - ill communication - 04 - bobo on the corner.mp3
    02/28/2005 10:33 PM 3,351,613 beastie boys - ill communication - 08 - sabrosa.mp3
    02/28/2005 10:33 PM 3,911,053 beastie boys - ill communication - 09 - the update.mp3
    02/28/2005 10:33 PM 2,114,190 beastie boys - ill communication - 12 - eugene's lament.mp3
    02/28/2005 10:33 PM 3,142,635 beastie boys - ill communication - 14 - do it.mp3
    02/28/2005 10:33 PM 3,450,258 beastie boys - ill communication - 17 - the scoop.mp3
    03/04/2005 02:00 AM 3,164,369 bob marley - legend - 15 - jamming.mp3
    03/04/2005 02:01 AM 3,148,904 bob marley - legend - 06 - get up stand up.mp3
    03/04/2005 02:02 AM 3,669,263 bob marley - legend - 12 - redemption song.mp3
    03/04/2005 02:04 AM 4,475,086 bob marley - legend - 10 - i shot the sheriff.mp3
    03/04/2005 02:05 AM 2,882,246 bob marley - legend - 04 - three little birds.mp3
    03/04/2005 02:25 AM 3,757,866 bob marley - legend - 03 - could you be loved.mp3
    03/04/2005 02:25 AM 7,279,163 bob marley - legend - 14 - exodus.mp3
    03/08/2005 08:32 PM 3,884,931 kottonmouth kings - king's blend.mp3
    03/08/2005 09:34 PM 3,309,800 king missile - up my ass.mp3
    03/09/2005 09:41 PM 3,871,137 immortal technique - the point of no return.mp3
    03/10/2005 01:22 AM 3,123,826 immortal technique - the prophecy.mp3
    03/10/2005 01:38 AM 6,075,037 immortal technique ft. sizzla - lean back (rmx).mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 4,540,290 immortal technique - creation and destruction.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 9,269,081 immortal technique - dance with the devil.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 3,741,257 immortal technique - freedom of speech.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 3,806,936 immortal technique - fuck you.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 5,570,403 immortal technique - harlem streets.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 4,376,033 immortal technique - industrial revolution.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 2,641,083 immortal technique - internally bleeding.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 4,302,342 immortal technique - leaving the past.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 3,314,834 immortal technique - no mercy.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 4,631,406 immortal technique - obnoxious.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 4,619,285 immortal technique - peruvian cocaine.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 7,645,570 immortal technique - the 4th branch.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 4,729,626 immortal technique - positive balance.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 8,479,398 immortal technique - the cause of death.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 8,965,851 immortal technique - the poverty of philosophy.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 7,491,082 immortal technique - you never know.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 4,846,237 immortal technique ft. mos def - bin laden.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:23 AM 6,065,712 outerspace ft. immortal technique - angels of death.mp3
    03/10/2005 02:57 AM 7,164,785 eminem - we as americans.mp3
    03/11/2005 12:05 AM 3,115,824 the chemical brothers - galvanize.mp3
    03/11/2005 12:57 AM 4,384,809 howie day - sorry so sorry.mp3
    03/11/2005 01:24 AM 9,759,256 meatloaf - you took the words right out of my mouth.mp3
    03/13/2005 04:56 AM 3,068,656 bob schneider - captain kirk.mp3
    03/13/2005 04:56 AM 3,455,268 harvey danger - flagpole sitta.mp3
    03/13/2005 04:56 AM 3,623,390 linda ronstadt - willin.mp3
    03/13/2005 04:56 AM 4,364,624 mc chris - toothpick splifs.mp3
    03/13/2005 04:56 AM 2,693,015 toots and the maytals - pressure drop.mp3
    03/15/2005 12:16 AM 4,236,852 aerosmith - dude looks like a lady.mp3
    03/15/2005 12:19 AM 4,282,409 aerosmith - dream on.mp3
    03/15/2005 12:23 AM 3,287,771 aerosmith - pink.mp3
    03/15/2005 12:24 AM 3,393,281 aerosmith - walk this way.mp3
    03/15/2005 12:24 AM 5,289,273 aerosmith - janie's got a gun.mp3
    03/15/2005 02:53 AM 37,814,890 lenny bruce - berkeley concert (full).mp3
    03/15/2005 02:53 AM 64,472,294 lenny bruce - carnegie hall.mp3
    03/15/2005 01:41 PM 4,909,304 aerosmith - angel.mp3
    03/15/2005 01:41 PM 5,022,904 aerosmith - crazy.mp3
    03/15/2005 01:41 PM 4,947,382 aerosmith - cryin'.mp3
    03/15/2005 01:41 PM 3,313,162 aerosmith - jaded.mp3
    03/15/2005 01:41 PM 5,150,093 aerosmith - love in an elevator.mp3
    03/15/2005 01:41 PM 4,232,672 aerosmith - rag doll.mp3
    03/16/2005 12:37 AM 7,091,932 lazy boy - underwear goes inside the pants.mp3
    03/18/2005 03:02 AM 2,967,552 mc chris - star wars ganster rap.mp3
    03/23/2005 05:58 PM 3,731,540 ben folds five - ain't shit.mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 7,714,824 brazilian girls - brazilian girls - 01 - homme.mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 5,547,612 brazilian girls - brazilian girls - 02 - don't stop.mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 5,758,574 brazilian girls - brazilian girls - 03 - lazy lover.mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 6,869,098 brazilian girls - brazilian girls - 04 - sirenes de la fete.mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 6,083,468 brazilian girls - brazilian girls - 05 - corner store.mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 6,877,862 brazilian girls - brazilian girls - 06 - long.mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 5,943,244 brazilian girls - brazilian girls - 07 - pussy.mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 6,438,410 brazilian girls - brazilian girls - 08 - die gedanken sind frei (thoughs are free).mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 5,430,550 brazilian girls - brazilian girls - 09 - all we have.mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 6,671,908 brazilian girls - brazilian girls - 10 - dance till the morning sun.mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 8,203,104 brazilian girls - brazilian girls - 11 - me gustas cuando callas.mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 5,028,658 brazilian girls - brazilian girls - 12 - ships in the night.mp3
    03/30/2005 10:38 PM 2,999,693 urge overkill - girl, you'll be a woman soon.mp3
    04/02/2005 07:21 PM 3,607,904 tegan and sara - walking with a ghost.mp3
    04/02/2005 07:44 PM 5,920,768 q tip - breathe and stop.mp3
    04/02/2005 10:03 PM 1,965,888 unknown - one better.mp3
    04/02/2005 10:10 PM 7,699,939 q tip - blue girl.mp3
    04/02/2005 10:10 PM 5,930,431 q tip - let's ride.mp3
    04/02/2005 10:10 PM 3,062,299 q tip - vivrant thing.mp3
    04/02/2005 10:10 PM 7,033,361 q tip vs. michael jackson - don't stop till you breathe.mp3
    04/04/2005 05:27 AM 5,204,144 sly and the family stone - i want to take you higher.mp3
    04/04/2005 06:01 AM 3,229,153 method man & red man - how to roll a blunt.mp3
    04/04/2005 06:01 AM 6,585,462 method man - ain't a damned thing changed (ft. dirt mcgirt).mp3
    04/04/2005 06:01 AM 3,225,922 method man - tical 0 [the prequel] - 02 - the prequel (ft. streetlife).mp3
    04/04/2005 06:01 AM 6,014,459 method man - tical 0 [the prequel] - 03 - say what (ft. missy eliott).mp3
    04/04/2005 06:01 AM 6,143,294 method man - tical 0 [the prequel] - 08 - tease (ft. chinky).mp3
    04/04/2005 06:01 AM 5,732,228 method man - tical 0 [the prequel] - 10 - baby come on (ft. kardinal offishall).mp3
    04/04/2005 06:01 AM 3,343,089 method man - tical 0 [the prequel] - 13 - show.mp3
    04/04/2005 06:01 AM 3,598,629 method man - tical 0 [the prequel] - 15 - afterparty (ft. ghostface).mp3
    04/04/2005 06:20 AM 6,659,971 stevie wonder - too high.mp3
    04/04/2005 08:00 AM 480,235 milton mezzrow - you're a viper.mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 5,813,142 de la soul - the grind date - 01 - the future.mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 4,725,288 de la soul - the grind date - 02 - verbal clap.mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 5,882,790 de la soul - the grind date - 03 - much more.mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 5,902,066 de la soul - the grind date - 04 - shopping bags (she got from you).mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 7,631,368 de la soul - the grind date - 06 - church.mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 4,863,215 de la soul - the grind date - 05 - the grind date.mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 6,648,736 de la soul - the grind date - 07 - it's like that.mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 5,387,962 de la soul - the grind date - 08 - he comes.mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 5,780,925 de la soul - the grind date - 09 - days of our lives.mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 6,418,356 de la soul - the grind date - 10 - come on down.mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 7,207,650 de la soul - the grind date - 11 - no.mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 5,166,283 de la soul - the grind date - 12 - rock co.kane flow.mp3
    04/07/2005 05:07 AM 3,550,145 de la soul - the grind date - 13 - secret track.mp3
    04/08/2005 12:03 AM 4,590,290 edgar winter group - frankenstein.mp3
    04/08/2005 11:41 AM 2,178,064 sublime - wrong way.mp3
    04/08/2005 11:42 AM 2,737,632 sublime - what i got.mp3
    04/08/2005 11:50 AM 2,198,988 sublime - santeria.mp3
    04/08/2005 11:50 AM 2,540,355 sublime - smoke two joints.mp3
    04/08/2005 12:11 PM 4,267,363 death in vegas - girls.mp3
    04/08/2005 12:11 PM 7,137,726 grand master flash - white lines.mp3
    04/08/2005 12:11 PM 4,249,472 ivy - edge of the ocean.mp3
    04/08/2005 12:11 PM 5,123,602 korn - word up.mp3
    04/08/2005 12:11 PM 2,890,868 miriam makeba - pata pata.mp3
    04/08/2005 12:11 PM 1,813,016 no doubt and sublime - crazy.mp3
    04/08/2005 12:11 PM 3,103,765 pete yorn - just another.mp3
    04/08/2005 12:44 PM 6,358,282 supreme beings of leisure - rock and a hard place.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:05 PM 5,335,667 the streets - weak become heroes.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:05 PM 4,959,922 west indian girl - what are you afraid of.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:55 PM 3,481,600 mindless self indulgence - i hate jimmy page.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:55 PM 2,299,904 mindless self indulgence - royally fucked.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:59 PM 3,426,220 mindless self indulgence - bed of roses.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:59 PM 2,684,218 mindless self indulgence - bitches.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:59 PM 2,533,668 mindless self indulgence - bite your rhymes.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:59 PM 3,509,508 mindless self indulgence - bring the pain.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:59 PM 1,909,527 mindless self indulgence - clarissa.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:59 PM 1,914,542 mindless self indulgence - i'm your problem now.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:59 PM 2,809,606 mindless self indulgence - masturbates.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:59 PM 2,772,586 mindless self indulgence - panty shot.mp3
    04/08/2005 01:59 PM 1,457,423 mindless self indulgence - seven eleven.mp3
    04/08/2005 02:00 PM 1,772,565 mindless self indulgence - cocaine and toupees.mp3
    04/08/2005 02:00 PM 1,669,120 mindless self indulgence - molly.mp3
    04/08/2005 02:00 PM 2,675,356 mindless self indulgence - tight.mp3
    04/09/2005 09:23 PM 27,615,744 series - russell simmons def poetry - s03e03.mp3
    04/09/2005 09:23 PM 27,821,184 series - russell simmons def poetry - s03e04.mp3
    04/09/2005 09:23 PM 26,666,496 series - russell simmons def poetry - s03e02.mp3
    04/09/2005 09:23 PM 26,592,384 series - russell simmons def poetry - s00e01.mp3
    04/09/2005 09:23 PM 27,795,456 series - russell simmons def poetry - s00e02.mp3
    04/09/2005 09:23 PM 26,068,224 series - russell simmons def poetry - s00e03.mp3
    04/09/2005 09:23 PM 26,383,488 series - russell simmons def poetry - s02e01x.mp3
    04/09/2005 09:23 PM 27,538,944 series - russell simmons def poetry - s02e03x.mp3
    04/09/2005 09:23 PM 27,348,480 series - russell simmons def poetry - s03e05.mp3
    04/09/2005 09:23 PM 27,669,120 series - russell simmons def poetry - s03e07.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 7,065,669 aerosmith - reefer head woman.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 7,325,050 arj barker - comedy central presents.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 2,557,952 barrington levy - under mi sensi.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 4,866,260 black sabbath - sweet leaf.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 3,125,524 bob marley & peter tosh - kaya.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 3,608,301 bob marley - catch a fire.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 2,865,946 cab calloway - hi de ho man.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 2,879,192 cab calloway - reefer man.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 5,150,731 cypress hill - black sunday.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 4,662,753 damien jr gong marley - catch a fire.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 3,870,640 dr dre - the next episode.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 25,356,445 fela kuti - expensive shit.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 3,684,352 ike & tina turner - i want to take you higher.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 2,098,445 janis joplin - mary jane.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 4,202,943 long beach dub allstars - under mi sensi.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 3,578,005 method man - tical0 - 00 - a bitch is a bitch.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 4,996,673 method man - tical0 - 00 - baby come on.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 4,551,643 method man - tical0 - 00 - dirty & stinken'.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 1,473,306 method man - tical0 - 00 - double deuces.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 3,363,527 method man - tical0 - 00 - meth vs. chef 2.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 98,317 method man - tical0 - 13 - the mic is hiiigh.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 5,411,302 method man - tical0 - 16 - crooked letter i.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 5,892,806 method man - tical0 - 27 - judgement day.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 3,255,902 musical youth - pass the dutchie.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 4,200,489 pink floyd - run like hell.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 7,537,475 pink floyd - us and them.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 3,815,507 rick james - mary jane.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 4,465,856 saint etienne & paul van dyk - ibiza 2001.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 4,515,611 saint etienne - but i'm a cheerleader.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 5,036,826 saint etienne - hand in glove (live).mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 4,179,173 saint etienne - nothing can stop us.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 3,022,552 shel silverstein - i got stoned and i missed it.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 2,256,896 steppenwolf - don't bogart that joint.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 5,476,101 steppenwolf - don't step on the grass, sam.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 4,694,016 tom waits & alan ginsberg - america.mp3
    04/11/2005 11:46 PM 5,849,756 tone loc - cheeba cheeba.mp3
    04/12/2005 03:21 AM 900,288 mos def - freestyle on def poetry.mp3
    04/15/2005 04:09 AM 5,080,556 lauryn hill ft. ziggy marley - redemption song.mp3
    04/15/2005 07:55 AM 4,373,838 fountains of wayne - troubled times.mp3
    04/15/2005 07:55 AM 4,585,344 little shop of horrors - 12 - mean green mother from outerspace.mp3
    04/15/2005 07:55 AM 2,377,604 little shop of horrors - 07 - dentist.mp3
    04/15/2005 07:55 AM 1,366,016 little shop of horrors - 03 - da doo.mp3
    04/15/2005 07:55 AM 3,691,287 little shop of horrors - 05 - somewhere that's green.mp3
    04/15/2005 07:55 AM 3,253,096 little shop of horrors - 11 - meek shall inherit.mp3
    04/15/2005 07:55 AM 3,321,920 little shop of horrors - 01 - prologue (little shop of horrors).mp3
    04/15/2005 07:55 AM 4,083,334 primus - tommy the cat.mp3
    04/15/2005 07:55 AM 3,308,018 the guess who - she's come undone.mp3
    04/15/2005 08:05 AM 1,210,618 little shop of horrors - mushnik and son.mp3
    04/15/2005 08:05 AM 2,004,532 little shop of horrors - 10 - suppertime.mp3
    04/15/2005 09:58 AM 2,310,144 little shop of horrors - 04 - grow for me.mp3
    04/15/2005 09:58 AM 4,101,900 little shop of horrors - original broadway cast - skid row.mp3
    04/15/2005 09:58 AM 2,208,028 little shop of horrors - 06 - some fun now.mp3
    04/15/2005 09:58 AM 2,825,592 little shop of horrors - ya never know.mp3
    04/15/2005 10:48 AM 1,814,465 little shop of horrors - 13 - finale (don't feed the plants).mp3
    04/16/2005 02:45 AM 5,990,191 arrested development - redemption song.mp3
    04/16/2005 02:45 AM 3,200,185 ben harper - redemption song.mp3
    04/16/2005 02:45 AM 3,508,792 dave matthews band - redemption song.mp3
    04/16/2005 02:45 AM 5,005,478 johnny cash - redemption song.mp3
    04/16/2005 02:45 AM 6,076,859 ziggy marley - redemption song.mp3
    04/16/2005 02:45 AM 2,391,936 u2 - redemption song.mp3
    04/19/2005 09:42 PM 10,185,019 bob marley & peter tosh - legalize it.mp3
    04/19/2005 09:53 PM 3,052,388 bob marley & peter tosh - soul shakedown party.mp3
    04/24/2005 09:56 PM 3,657,738 noam chomsky - capitalism debate.mp3
    04/26/2005 02:53 AM 3,408,039 hooverphonic - eden.mp3
    04/26/2005 02:53 AM 6,283,264 hooverphonic - eden (sarah brightman rmx).mp3
    04/26/2005 02:54 AM 5,434,932 hooverphonic - mad about you.mp3
    04/26/2005 03:17 AM 4,393,586 rush - tom sawyer.mp3
    04/30/2005 09:57 PM 52,871,001 david cross - the pride is back.mp3
    05/02/2005 11:33 PM 3,573,968 gorillaz - feel good inc.mp3
    05/05/2005 12:04 AM 3,022,680 the dead milkmen - the puking song.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:03 AM 2,104,320 bob marley & peter tosh - lively up yourself.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:03 AM 3,424,359 bob marley & peter tosh - mr. brown.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:03 AM 4,082,708 bob marley & peter tosh - no justice.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:03 AM 3,393,828 bob marley & peter tosh - pressure.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:03 AM 3,224,974 bob marley & peter tosh - soul rebel.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 2,900,508 bob marley & peter tosh - trenchtown rock.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 4,517,300 david bowie - five years.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 2,541,609 david bowie - hang on to yourself.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 3,616,652 the dead milkmen - i dream of jesus.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 4,547,685 hooverphonic - 2 wicky.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 3,726,942 hooverphonic - cinderella.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 4,162,327 hooverphonic - jackie cane.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 4,227,932 hooverphonic - plus profound.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 5,066,291 hooverphonic - the world is mine.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 3,295,594 hooverphonice - out of time.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 5,355,680 hooverphonice - this strange effect.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 6,103,212 matisyahu - candle.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 6,919,837 matisyahu - chop 'em down.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 8,148,508 matisyahu - close my eyes.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 6,083,918 matisyahu - exultation.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 5,982,041 matisyahu - father in the forest.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 5,645,763 matisyahu - got no water.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 468,637 matisyahu - interlude.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 6,470,530 matisyahu - king without a crown.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 2,114,455 matisyahu - live on jimmy kimmel.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 2,107,392 matisyahu - outro.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 2,556,030 matisyahu - short nigun.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 1,545,875 matisyahu - tzama lchol nafshi.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 7,095,693 matisyahu - warrior.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 6,979,566 peter tosh & sublime - steppin' razor.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 3,116,148 peter tosh - here comes the sun.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 4,432,036 peter tosh - legalize it.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 3,885,348 peter tosh - stop that train.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 2,398,957 peter tosh - whatcha gonna do.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 3,104,180 peter tosh - why must i cry.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 1,712,210 the dead milkmen - beach party vietnam.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 3,622,139 the dead milkmen - bitchin' camaro.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 4,554,563 the dead milkmen - bleach boys.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 2,992,041 the dead milkmen - let's get the baby high.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 2,124,486 the dead milkmen - lets go smoke some pot.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:04 AM 3,155,155 the dead milkmen - punk rock girl.mp3
    05/05/2005 04:05 AM 2,251,128 the dead milkmen - stuart.mp3
    05/06/2005 12:45 AM 5,342,772 feist - mushaboom.mp3
    05/08/2005 05:04 AM 3,288,920 veronica mars - s01e14 - the fixx - one thing leads to another.mp3
    05/08/2005 05:10 AM 3,530,322 veronica mars - s01e08 - peter tosh - don't look back.mp3
    05/08/2005 05:12 AM 6,946,781 veronica mars - s01e15 - the notwist - pick up the phone.mp3
    05/08/2005 05:13 AM 4,496,879 veronica mars - s01e09 - saybia - briliant sky.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 3,103,765 veronica mars - s01e00 - pete yorn - just another.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 5,335,667 veronica mars - s01e00 - the streets - weak become heroes.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 5,123,602 veronica mars - s01e01 - korn - word up.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 4,249,472 veronica mars - s01e02 - ivy - edge of the ocean.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 4,959,922 veronica mars - s01e02 - west indian girl - what are you afraid of.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 5,704,864 veronica mars - s01e03 - radio 4 - party crashers (headman vocal rmx).mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 5,430,544 veronica mars - s01e03 - thievery corporation - all that we percieve.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 5,671,915 veronica mars - s01e03 - toby mac - diverse city.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 4,710,267 veronica mars - s01e04 - old 97's - the new kid.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 6,394,199 veronica mars - s01e04 - postal service - such great heights.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 5,697,630 veronica mars - s01e04 - santana & everlast - put your lights on.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 6,900,378 veronica mars - s01e05 - air - la femme d'argent.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 3,240,437 veronica mars - s01e05 - america - ventura highway.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 4,474,125 veronica mars - s01e05 - the stills - still in love song.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 4,059,078 veronica mars - s01e06 - the french kicks - the trial of the century.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 4,915,978 veronica mars - s01e08 - stereophonics - have a nice day.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 4,421,171 veronica mars - s01e10 - interpol - slow hands.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 5,481,326 veronica mars - s01e10 - ozomatli - saturday night.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 3,248,379 veronica mars - s01e10 - tony c & the truth - little bit more.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 4,741,224 veronica mars - s01e11 - earlimart - all they ever do is talk.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 7,663,115 veronica mars - s01e11 - ivy - feel so free.mp3
    05/10/2005 12:31 AM 8,662,413 veronica mars - s01e13 - rolling stones - worried about you.mp3
    05/12/2005 01:47 AM 3,981,479 america - horse with no name.mp3
    05/12/2005 02:00 AM 2,383,466 america - lonely people.mp3
    05/12/2005 02:00 AM 3,192,520 america - sister golden hair.mp3
    05/12/2005 02:00 AM 8,013,321 weezer - beverly hills.mp3
    05/12/2005 02:00 AM 4,275,052 ziggy marley & ben harper - get up stand up (live).mp3
    05/12/2005 02:00 AM 3,817,344 ziggy marley & wyclef jean - no woman no cry (rmx).mp3
    05/12/2005 02:00 AM 2,672,953 ziggy marley - ain't no sunshine when she's gone.mp3
    05/12/2005 02:00 AM 4,458,370 ziggy marley - people get ready.mp3
    05/12/2005 02:00 AM 3,489,792 ziggy marley - tomorrow people.mp3
    05/15/2005 05:45 AM 4,282,140 crystal method & filter - trip like i do.mp3
    05/15/2005 11:30 PM 2,943,625 america - i need you.mp3
    05/15/2005 11:30 PM 4,157,730 america - tinman.mp3
    05/15/2005 11:30 PM 5,611,520 missy higgins - any day now.mp3
    05/15/2005 11:30 PM 4,071,588 missy higgins - casualty.mp3
    05/15/2005 11:30 PM 2,783,475 missy higgins - don't ever.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 3,693,751 everclear - father of mine.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 6,647,847 everclear - wonderful.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 2,114,304 leslie feist - gatekeeper.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 5,069,875 leslie feist - inside and out.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 4,197,882 leslie feist - leisure suite.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 2,838,144 leslie feist - let it die.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 4,410,332 leslie feist - lonely lonely.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 3,133,699 leslie feist - now at last.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 4,335,457 leslie feist - one evening.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 3,980,014 leslie feist - secret heart.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 4,118,151 leslie feist - the eastern shore.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 4,616,150 leslie feist - when i was a young girl.mp3
    05/16/2005 02:49 AM 5,475,622 missy higgins - 10 days.mp3
    05/16/2005 11:11 PM 1,732,729 animaniacs - nations of the world.mp3
    05/16/2005 11:11 PM 4,342,491 david cross - it's not funny.mp3
    05/16/2005 11:11 PM 6,089,455 ladytron - blue jeans.mp3
    05/16/2005 11:11 PM 3,041,489 ladytron - jet age.mp3
    05/16/2005 11:11 PM 3,772,500 ladytron - playgirl.mp3
    05/16/2005 11:11 PM 8,893,336 ladytron - seventeen.mp3
    05/16/2005 11:11 PM 5,575,993 leslie feist - it's cool to love your family.mp3
    05/17/2005 01:00 AM 85,157,153 margaret cho - i'm the one that i want.mp3
    05/18/2005 02:02 AM 1,848,215 mindless self indulgence - 2 hookers and an 8-ball (live, good quality).mp3
    05/18/2005 02:02 AM 2,508,299 mindless self indulgence - 2 hookers and an 8-ball (live, poor quality).mp3
    05/18/2005 02:02 AM 3,293,386 mindless self indulgence - 2 hookers and an 8-ball (studio).mp3
    05/18/2005 02:22 AM 5,788,943 eminem - my fault.mp3
    05/22/2005 11:18 AM 9,723,402 wagner - ride of the valkyries.mp3
    05/22/2005 11:23 AM 7,911,967 wagner - siegfried's death and funeral march.mp3
    05/22/2005 11:41 AM 5,101,568 wagner - carmina burana, o fortuna.mp3
    05/22/2005 11:42 AM 2,218,398 wagner - in the hall of the mountain king.mp3
    05/22/2005 10:25 PM 13,205,319 herbie hancock - the essence (ltj bukem rmx).mp3
    05/22/2005 10:25 PM 5,503,686 ltj bukem & photek - pharaoh.mp3
    05/22/2005 10:25 PM 48,923,356 ltj bukem - 2 step drum n bass mix.mp3
    05/22/2005 10:25 PM 6,316,338 wagner - entrance of gods into valhalla.mp3
    05/22/2005 10:25 PM 4,515,840 wagner - faust overture.mp3
    05/22/2005 10:25 PM 14,077,701 wagner - tannhauser overture.mp3
    05/22/2005 10:25 PM 15,329,166 wagner - tristan und isolde - prelude and liebestod.mp3
    05/23/2005 02:11 AM 4,855,808 ltj bukem - 2-step drum and bass mix.mp3
    05/23/2005 11:01 PM 724,949 krs-one - keep right - 07 - a call to order.mp3
    05/23/2005 11:01 PM 3,438,132 krs-one - keep right - 08 - everyone rise.mp3
    05/23/2005 11:01 PM 2,692,786 krs-one - keep right - 12 - here we go.mp3
    05/23/2005 11:01 PM 1,935,673 krs-one - keep right - 13 - me man.mp3
    05/23/2005 11:01 PM 1,970,996 krs-one - keep right - 20 - rap history.mp3
    05/23/2005 11:01 PM 6,425,832 krs-one - keep right - 22 - still spittin'.mp3
    05/23/2005 11:01 PM 1,046,529 krs-one - keep right - dream.mp3
    05/23/2005 11:01 PM 2,513,198 krs-one - keep right - my mind is racing.mp3
    05/23/2005 11:01 PM 1,279,072 krs-one - keep right - the cutclusion.mp3
    05/25/2005 12:38 AM 2,443,678 they might be giants - istanbul.mp3
    05/25/2005 12:55 AM 3,211,180 they might be giants - birdhouse in your soul.mp3
    05/25/2005 12:58 AM 1,541,176 they might be giants - i be an retard.mp3
    05/25/2005 01:03 AM 4,013,975 they might be giants - ana ng.mp3
    05/25/2005 01:05 AM 2,190,397 they might be giants - the sun is a mass of incandescent gas.mp3
    05/26/2005 07:12 PM 86,343,522 ltj bukem - breezeblock mix.mp3
    05/27/2005 12:54 AM 1,648,478 mindless self indulgence - diabolical.mp3
    05/27/2005 12:54 AM 1,176,427 mindless self indulgence - dicks are for my friends.mp3
    05/27/2005 12:54 AM 2,009,001 mindless self indulgence - golden eye.mp3
    05/27/2005 12:54 AM 1,657,208 mindless self indulgence - holy shit.mp3
    05/27/2005 12:54 AM 2,905,234 mindless self indulgence - kill yourself.mp3
    05/27/2005 12:54 AM 2,878,968 mindless self indulgence - pineapple.mp3
    05/27/2005 12:54 AM 4,154,775 mindless self indulgence - tom sawyer.mp3
    05/27/2005 12:54 AM 1,785,939 mindless self indulgence - tornado.mp3
    05/27/2005 03:05 AM 3,420,995 immortal technique ft. jean grae and pumpkinhead - the illest.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 4,444,682 ill bill ft. immortal technique - brookyln academy.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 3,744,714 immortal technique - caught in a hustle.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 6,891,657 immortal technique - crossing the boundary.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 4,030,380 immortal technique - fucked up for life.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 6,826,945 immortal technique - in da club freestyle.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 4,422,008 immortal technique - one (rmx).mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 3,676,995 immortal technique - speak your mind.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 2,575,882 immortal technique - the getaway.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 3,247,125 immortal technique - top of the food chain.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 5,676,304 immortal technique ft. krs-one and chuck d - bin laden.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 10,944,165 immortal technique vs. eyedea.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 5,471,590 lexicon - break the news.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 5,941,498 lexicon - rock ego.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 3,774,171 lexicon - rock to the rhythm.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 4,625,850 lexicon ft. dj cheapshot - last night my dj stole my girl.mp3
    05/27/2005 10:05 PM 5,191,552 sabac red feat. immortal technique - fight until the end.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 3,264,679 the mars volta - bach song.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 6,340,931 the mars volta - inertiatic esp.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 13,698,611 the mars volta - cut that city.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 9,101,269 the mars volta - televators.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 2,403,683 the mars volta - the mute 2.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 5,806,080 the mars volta - the widow.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 3,312,260 the mars volta - wasting my air.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 783,122 they might be giants - backyardigans.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 1,494,204 they might be giants - courage the cowardly dog.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 2,494,798 they might be giants - don't let's start.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 2,899,968 they might be giants - dr. worm.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 4,733,109 they might be giants - experimental film.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 559,229 they might be giants - i am a grocery bag.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 2,279,244 they might be giants - i palindrome i.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 4,433,084 they might be giants - james k. polk.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 2,919,120 they might be giants - new york city.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 2,381,519 they might be giants - particle man.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 2,283,311 they might be giants - someone keeps moving my chair.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 1,331,200 they might be giants - the beer song.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 1,760,991 they might be giants - we're the replacements.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 3,275,118 they might be giants - whistling in the dark.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 4,257,026 they might be giants - you're not the boss of me now.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 2,791,424 they might be giants - your racist friend.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 8,744,619 thievery corporation - feelin' good (jc rmx).mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 6,008,901 thievery corporation - heaven's gonna burn your eyes.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 3,775,426 thievery corporation - karminsky experience.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 4,600,894 thievery corporation - lebanese blonde.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 98,887,907 thievery corporation - om lounge.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 5,189,504 thievery corporation - porno 3003.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 6,904,487 thievery corporation - shadows of ourselves.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 5,355,680 thievery corporation - this strange effect.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 4,744,476 thievery corporation - until the morning.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 4,353,335 thievery corporation - weightless.mp3
    06/01/2005 10:46 PM 7,323,898 portishead - roads.mp3
    06/05/2005 12:09 AM 68,649,993 dave chapelle - killin' them softly.mp3
    06/05/2005 06:02 PM 2,880,575 mice parade - warm hard in farmland.mp3
    06/06/2005 06:48 PM 3,070,326 little mermaid - under the sea.mp3
    06/06/2005 08:25 PM 4,142,348 talking heads - once in a lifetime.mp3
    06/06/2005 08:26 PM 4,352,497 primitive radio gods - standing outside a broken phone booth.mp3
    06/12/2005 01:12 AM 3,927,249 jem - they.mp3
    06/12/2005 01:12 AM 5,365,813 jojo ft. lil bow wow - baby it's you.mp3
    06/13/2005 01:42 AM 3,087,882 squirrel nut zippers - hell.mp3
    06/15/2005 12:27 AM 4,349,701 busta rhymes - woo-ha.mp3
    06/15/2005 12:27 AM 4,365,455 george thoroughgood - i drink alone.mp3
    06/15/2005 12:27 AM 5,177,145 george thoroughgood - move it on over.mp3
    06/15/2005 12:27 AM 8,113,005 george thoroughgood - one burbon, one scotch, one beer.mp3
    06/15/2005 12:27 AM 6,309,609 j geils band - musta got lost.mp3
    06/15/2005 12:28 AM 6,130,207 mindy smith - come to jesus.mp3
    06/15/2005 12:28 AM 4,537,782 peter gabriel - mercy street.mp3
    06/15/2005 09:59 PM 4,914,364 a tribe called quest - rumble in the jungle.mp3
    06/16/2005 12:55 AM 2,654,458 a tribe called quest - hot sex on a platter.mp3
    06/16/2005 12:56 AM 3,919,456 a tribe called quest - i left my wallet in el segundo.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:51 AM 6,213,253 basquiat - tom waits - waltzing matilda.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 2,912,128 a tribe called quest & bjork - stressed out.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 3,219,239 a tribe called quest - bonita applebaum.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 3,472,359 a tribe called quest - buggin' out.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 3,907,707 a tribe called quest - can i kick it.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 3,469,479 a tribe called quest - check the rhyme.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 5,424,290 a tribe called quest - electric relaxation.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 2,926,445 a tribe called quest - oh my god.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 4,000,705 a tribe called quest - scenario.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 4,552,602 a tribe called quest - vivrant thing.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 4,242,152 a tribe called quest ft. mos def - hydro.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 3,551,112 busta rhymes - dangerous.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 2,730,944 busta rhymes - i'll hurt you.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 4,252,734 busta rhymes - pass the courvoisier (pt ii).mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 5,990,593 busta rhymes - shorty.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 5,731,030 busta rhymes - why we die.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 3,893,708 busta rhymes ft. dr dre - holla.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 6,541,704 busta rhymes ft. janet jackson - what's it gonna be.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:58 PM 6,963,072 de la soul - buddy.mp3
    06/16/2005 10:59 PM 2,530,325 busta rhymes - gimme some more.mp3
    07/05/2005 10:58 AM 6,245,413 fallout boy - sugar we're going down.mp3
    07/05/2005 05:01 PM 3,750,765 clint mansell - lux aeterna.mp3
    07/13/2005 10:57 PM 3,864,800 the stone roses - getting high.mp3
    07/13/2005 11:01 PM 7,202,899 the stone roses - made of stone (808 rmx).mp3
    07/14/2005 01:08 AM 3,008,470 lenny bruce - Kerouac vs. Bukowski.mp3
    07/14/2005 01:09 AM 5,929,586 the stone roses - i am the ressurection.mp3
    07/14/2005 01:09 AM 4,095,164 the stone roses - made of stone.mp3
    07/14/2005 01:09 AM 5,558,701 the stone roses - she's my sister.mp3
    07/14/2005 01:09 AM 3,874,063 the stone roses - shoot you down (sh rmx).mp3
    07/14/2005 01:09 AM 3,305,639 the stone roses - sugar spun sister.mp3
    07/14/2005 01:09 AM 4,289,097 the stone roses - ten storey love song.mp3
    07/14/2005 01:09 AM 5,397,525 the stone roses - waterfall (oakenfold rmx).mp3
    07/16/2005 04:18 AM 3,464,463 the stone roses - waterfall.mp3
    07/16/2005 05:49 PM 4,203,416 unknown - jung at heart.mp3
    07/16/2005 05:49 PM 4,102,089 the stone roses - elephant stone.mp3
    07/16/2005 05:49 PM 7,000,898 the stone roses - elizabeth my dear (kinobe rmx).mp3
    07/16/2005 05:49 PM 4,042,752 the stone roses - fools gold.mp3
    07/16/2005 05:49 PM 4,677,799 the stone roses - i wanna be adored.mp3
    07/16/2005 05:50 PM 3,591,523 the stone roses - she bangs the drums.mp3
    07/16/2005 05:50 PM 4,783,548 the stone roses - this is the one.mp3
    07/22/2005 11:08 AM 4,194,304 aphex twin - coal in ghost out.mp3
    07/22/2005 11:37 AM 4,159,532 aphex twin - come to daddy.mp3
    07/22/2005 11:37 AM 6,888,006 aphex twin - didgeridoo.mp3
    07/22/2005 11:37 AM 8,494,865 aphex twin - ghost in the shell.mp3
    07/22/2005 11:37 AM 4,596,088 aphex twin - let my fish loose.mp3
    07/22/2005 11:37 AM 3,983,151 aphex twin - milkman.mp3
    07/22/2005 11:37 AM 3,729,408 aphex twin - techno tetris.mp3
    07/22/2005 11:37 AM 5,419,643 aphex twin - terminator theme (rmx).mp3
    07/22/2005 11:37 AM 5,879,431 aphex twin - windowlicker.mp3
    07/22/2005 12:15 PM 8,906,752 aphex twin - born slippy (pink floyd vs underworld remix).mp3
    07/22/2005 12:25 PM 2,536,176 aphex twin - white blur.mp3
    07/22/2005 12:26 PM 4,082,625 aphex twin - breakbeat.mp3
    07/22/2005 12:26 PM 3,513,132 aphex twin - hot butter popcorn.mp3
    07/22/2005 12:26 PM 3,915,859 aphex twin - kicking mr. bubbles.mp3
    07/22/2005 12:26 PM 7,949,748 aphex twin - maxima electronica.mp3
    07/22/2005 12:26 PM 4,455,026 aphex twin - metapharistic.mp3
    07/22/2005 12:26 PM 5,653,940 aphex twin - outside kick ass violin solo.mp3
    07/22/2005 12:26 PM 4,378,082 autechre - shadowland.mp3
    07/23/2005 05:07 AM 3,543,040 autechre - autumn acid (aphex twin rmx).mp3
    07/27/2005 03:34 AM 3,826,416 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 04 - anakin's betrayal.mp3
    07/27/2005 03:34 AM 3,575,808 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 14 - birth of the twins and padme's destiny.mp3
    07/27/2005 03:35 AM 2,690,821 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 12 - the immolation scene.mp3
    07/27/2005 03:42 AM 3,658,397 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 03 - battle of the heroes.mp3
    07/27/2005 03:43 AM 4,023,693 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 10 - anakin's dark deeds.mp3
    07/27/2005 03:46 AM 4,677,799 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 02 - anakin's dream.mp3
    07/27/2005 03:47 AM 7,323,899 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 01 - star wars and revenge of the sith.mp3
    07/27/2005 03:56 AM 2,812,029 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 13 - grievous speaks to lord sidiious.mp3
    07/27/2005 04:20 AM 4,172,069 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 11 - enter lord vader.mp3
    07/27/2005 06:25 PM 4,053,786 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 05 - general grievous.mp3
    07/27/2005 06:25 PM 5,302,272 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 06 - palpatine's teachings.mp3
    07/27/2005 06:25 PM 3,422,208 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 07 - grievous and the droids.mp3
    07/27/2005 06:25 PM 3,760,128 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 09 - anakin vs. obi-wan.mp3
    07/27/2005 06:25 PM 12,577,646 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 15 - a new hope and end credits.mp3
    07/28/2005 06:32 PM 4,097,671 autechre - eutow.mp3
    07/28/2005 06:32 PM 7,598,232 autechre - vletrmx (plaid mix).mp3
    07/28/2005 06:32 PM 11,704,405 autechre - parheric triangle.mp3
    07/28/2005 06:32 PM 3,773,753 carole king - so far away.mp3
    07/28/2005 06:32 PM 7,229,857 dirty vegas - days go by.mp3
    07/28/2005 06:32 PM 3,181,378 felix da housecat - musik is my life.mp3
    07/28/2005 06:32 PM 3,192,790 jem - it's just a ride.mp3
    07/28/2005 06:32 PM 5,798,557 lazy boy - facts of life.mp3
    07/28/2005 06:32 PM 3,250,176 star wars - revenge of the sith - cd 01 - 08 - padme's ruminations.mp3
    07/30/2005 03:20 AM 6,883,922 baz huhrmann - everybody's free (to wear sunscreen).mp3
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