Monday, July 24, 2006

While on my way to work I came within centimeters from crushing a fairly large garden snake. Sixteen, maybe eighteen inches. The fool thing was heading right into traffic and at a considerable clip. So I jumped off my bike, waved off traffic and pestered the thing back into the bushes from whence it came.

Every time I see a dead animal on the road, I dislike cars just a little bit more.

But now I think the snake was an omen because I'm at work today when this happens:

10:13 AM *ella*: still want a shipping job?

And so in two weeks I will be working in Harvard Square.

I'll be making less money for half the year but more during the other half and even better, it isn't commission so the check will be consistent.

I'll be commuting 1.5 hours each way but who cares. It'll get me away from this god-forsaken black hole computer.

I'll be paying $200/mo. in MBTA fees but ...uh ...I'll have an all-access pass to take the T and commuter rail anywhere I want. That's gotta be good for sumthin'.

I'll have to learn Spanish. That's an upside, not a downside. Always wanted to be bilingual, just never had nobody to be bilingual with.

WEEKENDS OFF! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I haven't seen a club in two years.

So ...yeah. A much-needed kick in the ass for my so-called life.

And a much-deserved thanks to Ella who essentially got me the job.


Anonymous said...

Thank me after you've had to deal with Carla, Mauricio, and Frank.


Moe Blow said...


Moe Blow said...

Cr ...crumbly ass?!

I don't even know where Lynnfield is.

Hi. Who are you? =P


Anonymous said...

i just happy for you b/c i loved working in the city despite the commute lots to do see and well its a little too islandish around here...your train time will be all yours to listen and read whatever you want. i hope that doesn't mean though that you will stop posting since its always enjoyable to read.